A Missouri legislator has introduced a bill that would protect Missouri farmers and ranchers from draconian regulations — including federal edicts.
Senate Bill No. 84 (S.B. 84), titled the “Freedom to Farm Act,” is sponsored by Senator Jill Carter (R-Joplin). If enacted, it would remove and prevent excessive government regulations — including those of the federal government — on farming and ranching. The bill declares:
The right of farmers and ranchers to engage in farming and ranching practices for sale or personal consumption shall be guaranteed free from government intervention and such practices occurring within this state shall not be infringed upon by the federal government under the regulation of interstate commerce.
S.B. 84 includes other provisions limiting and prohibiting government regulations on farmers and ranchers, expanding legal protections for farmers and ranchers, and making state and local government agencies civilly liable for infringing on the rights of farmers and ranchers. Finally, the bill prevents the governor from preventing farming or ranching under the guise of a “state of emergency.”
S.B. 84 does not end there. It also pushes back against both Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards and the surveillance state by preventing individuals’ food purchases from being restricted:
The right to access and the ability to afford food products shall not be infringed upon in this state through restrictions based on an individual’s credit score, credit worthiness, credit standing, or credit capacity, or presentation of an identification card of any kind.
S.B. 84 is important because farmers and ranchers are under attack globally. Countries around the world are implementing severe restrictions on farming and ranching, including taxing cattle, mandating reduced fertilizer usage, and even seizing farmland. This attack on farmers is closely connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030 “sustainable development” scheme to eliminate private property and totally reshape society in the name of fighting “climate change.” It is also underway in the United States; it is imperative that state governments stand up for farmers by enacting strong legislation such as S.B. 84.
Additionally, by nullifying unconstitutional federal agricultural regulations, S.B. 84 is an important step toward enforcing the U.S. Constitution. Article VI of the Constitution declares, “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” Accordingly, any law or action that violates or contradicts the Constitution — even federal laws — cannot be “made in Pursuance thereof” and, thus, is not “the supreme Law of the Land.” State officials are duty-bound to nullify such laws or actions.
The Missouri General Assembly would be wise to defend the state’s farmers and ranchers — and push back against Agenda 2030 — by enacting S.B. 84 and other strong legislation.

Missouri residents can contact their legislators in support of S.B. 84, the “Freedom to Farm Act,” by visiting The John Birch Society’s legislative alert here. Everyone can take action against Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset by visiting JBS’s action project page here.