March Against Mandates
Tens of thousands of patriotic Americans from all states gathered in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, January 23 to demand an end to vaccine mandates and restoration to all citizens of freedoms stripped away during the pandemic tyranny.
Organized by a coalition of grassroots groups, Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming featured speakers noted for their tireless efforts in this freedom movement. They assured throngs gathered at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial that the medical dictatorship and censorship imposed on us in the name of the common good has nothing to do with public health.
The New American attended the rally to march with the crowds, estimated by event planners to be more than 30,000 strong. We spoke with many of the doctors, scientists, and celebrities who delivered powerful and realistic messages of hope and freedom.
True to their motto “United We Stand. In Peace We March,” organizers brought together people of every race, creed, and political party — both vaccinated and unvaccinated — to defend medical autonomy, or the right of each individual to make personal healthcare decisions free from coercive bureaucratic decree.
The highly credentialed medical experts we spoke with endorsed this basic human right, and emphasized that there is no scientific justification for COVID vaccine mandates or for vaccinating children. They pointed out that public policies implemented to supposedly “stop the spread” did nothing to protect Americans’ health. Rather, these irrational and overreaching measures put millions of Americans in a far worse position, destroying livelihoods, undermining health, and traumatizing both children and adults.
January’s march is one of hundreds planned in 43 countries as part of the World Wide Rally for Freedom, which bills itself as a “peaceful, apolitical, internationally-syndicated community … dedicated to emboldening grassroots citizens to push back against Covid-related restrictions” in their areas. Participating groups in the Washington, D.C., march included the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), Children’s Health Defense, the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, the International Alliance of Physicians & Medical Scientists, the World Council for Health, Airline Employees for Health Freedom, Feds for Medical Freedom, and American Frontline Nurses.
But the overwhelming majority of participants were ordinary citizens, most carrying homemade signs, and each with a personal story of how the pandemic — or rather government overreach because of it — has adversely impacted their lives.
We present below a pictorial chronicle of the event. We offer this photographic journal to make it possible for those who could not attend to catch the spirit of the movement, to invite you to join the effort, and to provide hope for the future.
(Rebecca Terrell also contributed to this report.)

Living proof: Injured in Pfizer’s clinical trials, 13-year-old Maddie de Garay (left) is now bound to a wheelchair and feeding tube. At age 29, former professional mountain biker Kyle Warner (center) lives with heart disease and arthritis since his second Pfizer dose. (Photo credit: Stephanie de Garay)

Hundreds of vaccine-injured victims and their families attended the march to expose the risks of COVID vaccines. Their experiences belie CDC claims that the experimental meds are safe and effective. (Photo credit: Jeff Lamothe Photography)

In the trenches: During the march, The New American met dozens of “ordinary, extraordinary” people from all parts of the country. Each had a unique story to tell, from those injured by vaccines to others whose lives have been affected by lockdowns and draconian mandates. Their united message: We want to be free! (Photo credit: Michael F. Cormier)

(Photo credit: Michael F. Cormier)

Defending God-given rights: Firefighters and first responders of Operation Freedom of Choice traveled en masse from Florida to participate in the D.C. rally. Some are vaccinated, others are not. Their united message was clear: “We are not against vaccines, we are against mandates!” (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

Sacred trust: Crowds cheer as a troupe of heroic white-coats mount the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to address the rally. These doctors have endured professional persecution because of their stand for the sacred doctor-patient relationship, which they believe should exist without authoritarian interference. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

Washington momentum: Marchers gather at the base of the Washington Monument to begin their one-mile trek down the National Mall to the Lincoln Memorial, where artists, doctors, journalists, athletes, and celebrities gave inspiring talks and musical performances. Members of Save the Persecuted Christians led prayers at war memorials along the way. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

Early treatment pioneer: Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough developed a COVID treatment early in the pandemic using repurposed meds with decades-long safety records. He told TNA that hundreds of thousands have needlessly died because government prevents doctors from treating them. “It’s a war on our health … a crime against humanity,” he lamented. Find his interview here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

COVID coup d’état: Attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chair of the vaccine-safety nonprofit Children’s Health Defense, had this sobering message about the official COVID response: We are witnessing “a controlled demolition of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.” Calling on all Americans to fight for their children’s future, he said, “Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.” The complete interview is available here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

mRNA architect warns against vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone, internationally recognized as the chief architect of mRNA vaccine technology, told TNA of the COVID vaccines: “The science is settled: they are not working.” He noted that they “are not completely safe, and the full nature of the risks remains unknown.” See the full interview here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

Comic reinforcement: As emcee for the rally, YouTube sensation JP Sears electrified the audience with his comic interruptions, encouraging us to free ourselves from fear. “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” he urged, reminding us that freedom is the most essential part of human nature because God created us to be free. Enjoy our time with JP here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

He was right: As former COVID advisor to the World Health Organization and to President Trump, Dr. Paul Alexander warned of the “catastrophic failure” that would result from lockdowns. He advocated for targeted protection of the elderly while keeping economies and schools open. He now advises against COVID vaccines, especially their use in children. Will we heed him this time? Hear everything he told us here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

Hero on the front lines: Pulmonary and critical-care specialist Dr. Pierre Kory, co-founder and president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), called U.S. health authorities “federal pharmaceutical agencies” and told TNA that they suppress early treatments to protect Big Pharma’s bottom line. Learn his full story here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

Lesson in freedom: Crowds heed the words of Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, who was fired from his 15-year work as chief ethicist for the University of California Irvine for refusing to get vaccinated. He implored Americans to remember Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s warning in The Gulag Archipelago: “We didn’t love freedom enough…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

“Guilty” of saving lives: Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder and chairman of FLCCC, lost his job for refusing to administer dangerous COVID protocols demanded by his medical system. His message to establishment bureaucrats: “Let doctors be doctors.” Dr. Marik’s interview is available here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)

Against the odds: Veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur and founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Steve Kirsch put his career on hold and launched the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund in 2020 to find a cure. Now blacklisted by colleagues for promoting proven remedies, he was a major sponsor of the Defeat the Mandates march and told TNA, “It is up to people to decide what to put in their bodies.” You can catch the full interview here. (Photo credit: Igor Kyrylenko)