What is “Build Back Better” Globalism?
If you are beginning to feel that the America you grew up in is no longer recognizable, rest assured that you are not alone, and you are not imagining things. And, most importantly, the changes are no accident.
Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the globalist World Economic Forum, is the head of a push to have a “Great Reset” of the world — a political and cultural revolution that is being promoted by numerous globalists worldwide, even the Catholic pope. In an article entitled “Now is the time for a ‘Great Reset of Capitalism,’” after praising the “radical changes to … lifestyles” that the world’s citizens were willing to endure to fight COVID-19, Schwab said this willingness to change lifestyles must now translate into “stronger and more effective governments” so that government can control our food, forests, gender issues, mobility, human rights, pollution, manufacturing and production, employment, global health, economics, and many other areas — basically all areas of our lives.
And in a short online video entitled “Eight Predictions for the World in 2030,” about what the Great Reset aims to achieve in the aftermath of COVID, we learn that the globalists mean to remove the United States from being the predominant superpower, ensure that people “own nothing” and rent all goods from government, implement massive CO2-emission taxes to eliminate fossil fuels, greatly reduce meat consumption, and more. Oh, happy days! Or not.
This is presently being forwarded under the auspices of needing to “build back better” from COVID.
Evidence is abundant that globalist elites have world government — stifling and all-controlling government — as their main objective, yet they usually profess innocence about their plans. But we can glean from what globalists say and what actions they take whether they actually have noble goals — such as increased wealth for everyone, individual freedom and happiness, and equality — or not.
Since Schwab praised the “radical changes” to our lifestyles that occurred during the time of COVID-19, let’s recall what he is praising to see if we want to experience much more of the same:
• Many businesses — mainly small businesses — were deemed nonessential and forced to close their doors for many months, putting as many as a quarter of all small businesses in the United States out of business, which also had the effect of boosting the wealth of the heads of major corporations and elitists and causing welfare rolls to swell. Making things worse, researchers expect an additional million deaths over the next two decades as a result of the long-term effects of the unemployment, as well as many tens of thousands of deaths from undiagnosed and untreated illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease.
• Governments often forbade the use of medicines such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, not allowing them to be prescribed for the public, despite the fact that the U.S. government stockpiles at least one of the drugs (hydroxychloroquine) because of its usefulness and that the drugs were shown to have proven success at treating COVID-19. A doctors group named the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), whose president, Dr. Paul E. Marik, is a tenured professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Eastern Virginia Medical School and is, according to his bio, “the 2nd most published critical care physician in the world,” having authored “over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and four critical care books,” had definitive words about one of the drugs. The group says of ivermectin: The drug “is one of the world’s safest, cheapest and most widely available drugs.” “The studies we presented to the NIH [National Institutes of Health] revealed high levels of statistical significance showing large magnitude benefit in transmission rates, need for hospitalization, and death. What’s more, the totality of trials data supporting ivermectin is without precedent.” Their prepublication description of a paper for the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Pharmacology notes: “The FLCCC … discovered that ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine, has highly potent anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties against COVID-19. They then identified repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes in multiple, large, randomized and observational controlled trials in both prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19.” Note that doctors prescribe drugs “off-label” all of the time, so stopping the prescription of safe drugs such as this was an unusual action by government.

Death by bad decisions: The rate of death spiked under COVID, but many of those deaths were caused by lockdowns. During COVID, the death rate of those aged 15 to 64 rose more sharply than it did among the elderly, with the younger cohort dying of overdoses, suicides, and car accidents linked to lockdowns. (Photo credit: AP Images)
• Some companies and countries have mandated that citizens receive injections of experimental COVID vaccines in order to travel by air, use health clubs, go to school, get groceries, and more, even as apparent side effects from the vaccines, such as blood-clotting problems and death, have emerged, and even though we don’t know the long-term consequences of getting the vaccines, and even though COVID is now a very treatable disease. (So citizens can’t take the medicines they want and need, but are forced to take medicines they don’t want — just as was the case in Hitler’s concentration camps. Sensing a trend yet?)
• Under COVID, people the world over were locked down in their residences, with few exceptions; they couldn’t decide on their own level of risk-taking, though most young and middle-aged people were in little danger from the coronavirus. And the lockdowns arguably were more deadly than COVID, with people not getting checked for cancer and heart disease (each of which kills 600,000 Americans a year), not seeking or getting treatment for known diseases, and succumbing to skyrocketing depression, suicide, and drug overdoses, etc. In fact, thousands of public health officials and medical professionals signed the Great Barrington Declaration authored by infectious-disease experts explaining that lockdowns were more harmful than the disease itself.
As was noted in the TNA online article “Lockdowns Cost More Lives Than They Save,”City Journal columnist John Tierney says that any evidence that lockdowns have prevented COVID-19 deaths is “inconclusive” at best. After examining the issue, he says,
“But one effect is clear: more deaths from other causes, especially among the young and middle-aged, minorities, and the less affluent.”
Tierney marshals an array of indisputable evidence to bolster his contentions. He is especially interested in whether the lockdowns led to an increase or decrease in excess mortality, the number of deaths in one year that one would not expect based on trends in previous years. “That measure rose among older Americans because of Covid-19,” he notes, “but it rose at an even sharper rate among people aged 15 to 54, and most of those excess deaths were not attributed to the virus.”
• Masks were required, though masks have repeatedly failed in the past to stop or slow the spread of respiratory viral illnesses. Florida, which had only short-lived statewide lockdowns and mask mandates and contains a large number of the vulnerable elderly, had about the same COVID death rate as California, which was hyper-restrictive. Too, Connecticut, which was also very restrictive, had about the same outcomes as South Dakota, which had no statewide restrictions or mask mandates. Moreover, not only have studies shown that upwards of 70 percent of people who got COVID said they wore masks all the time, or nearly so, most mask-wearers frequently touched their masks each day and then touched groceries, gas pumps, door handles, light switches, shopping carts, and more, meaning wearing masks was tantamount to spitting on all those items all day, every day — though mask-wearing was supposedly initiated in the first place to stop small saliva particles from being expelled into the air.
Finally, in my home state of Wisconsin, COVID cases were slowly going up when the governor issued a mask mandate, but within a month the case rate skyrocketed. And though the governors of both Texas and Mississippi were mocked for canceling their mask and lockdown mandates in March, with critics saying they were sentencing thousands of people to death, both states saw huge declines in COVID cases within two weeks, with Mississippi’s case rate going down 44 percent.
• People were not allowed to visit family members in hospitals or old folks homes, also leading to high rates of depression and death.
Commonalities of Globalist Actions
All of the actions taken in the name of fighting the coronavirus, not coincidentally, have limited individual freedom and choices, and they all have been leading to centralized control over the world’s peoples. It has been clear since the start of the spread of the coronavirus that COVID rules were not about stopping the spread of the virus: Even as small businesses were getting locked down and those attending pro-Trump political rallies were chastised by globalist media and officials for spreading the coronavirus, globalist media celebrated Black Lives Matter riots in cities countrywide for months on end, despite the lack of social distancing and the increase in violence. And even as the International Air Transport Association, to which most airlines worldwide belong, was making plans to roll out its digital COVID passports (government-certified proof of receiving COVID vaccinations that must be presented before people will be allowed to fly) so that COVID wouldn’t be spread from state to state and country to country, the Biden administration invited hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to flood the country and refused to check them all for COVID — or any of the other numerous infectious and deadly diseases that residents south of the border often carry. Remember also that professional sports teams were largely exempt from lockdowns — even the Premier League (soccer) kept training and playing in lockdown-happy England, during all but the initial COVID lockdowns.
Undoubtedly, we’re only seeing the beginning of restrictions. In fact, if globalists get their way, soon you will have to follow dictates of a global health apparatus to take part in what we might deem normal daily life. USA Today noted about Israel’s recent COVID passport:
According to the ministry, the passport, or “Green Pass” — a vaccination certificate, in both digital and paper form — is available to anyone who has received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine through any one of Israel’s four health maintenance organizations or other accredited vaccination service.
People who have recovered from the virus, indicating acquired immunity, but have not been vaccinated are not eligible.
Though shops, malls and museums are open to all, the Green Pass confers exclusive access to restricted sites like hotels, gyms, theaters, music venues and other leisure facilities. Indoor dining in restaurants and bars is expected to be included sometime in March, The Guardian reported.
New York, too, initiated its own COVID vaccine passport for accessing sporting events, wedding venues, art museums, and more. The NFL and NBA have been coercing players and coaches to get the vaccines by only allowing those who have been vaccinated to not wear masks. And though the Biden administration has said it will not try to mandate a national COVID passport, we can count on continual pressure to join a vaccine monitoring system: Many Democrat-run states and large globalist corporations will surely push COVID passports, making life more difficult or tedious for Americans who do not sign up, such as through making people provide proof of a negative COVID test before entry if one doesn’t have proof of vaccination. As well, the EU and other parts of the world have been planning to require COVID passports, twisting the arms of travelers.
It is important to recognize one very important fact: This COVID tracking is not about stopping the transmission of disease, hence the likely reason that in Israel people who already have had the disease and have obtained natural immunity are not eligible for a COVID pass. Emphasizing that truth is a Politico magazine interview of “John M. Barry, author of The Great Influenza, the definitive history of the 1918 flu pandemic,” about the future of COVID. Barry explained that for several reasons no number of COVID vaccinations is going to make this disease go away and stop it from mutating in the future: First, for many people, the vaccines don’t work and they can still catch COVID; second, many people — especially in the Third World — will not have access to a vaccine; and third, and most significantly, the virus lives just as easily in animals as humans, so unless we vaccinate every single animal on Earth, the disease will remain and mutate and spread. And this means that requirements to get the COVID vaccine are not about human safety, but human control.
Globalist Motivations
When directly asked about their aims, glob-alists usually say that they are motivated only by good intentions for the world, claiming they want to benefit everyone and everything on Earth, including plants and wildlife, water and air, the rich and poor. But globalists’ claims about their motives are deceitful at best, and blatant lies at worst. In actuality, they want total control, and totalitarianism unfailingly proves harmful to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Richard Haass, the president of a leading globalist entity, the Council on Foreign Relations, was asked by John Birch Society Field Coordinator Evan Mulch to respond to the assertion that “some would say the Council on Foreign Relations has been made up of architects of the New World Order, especially since the founder of the Council was Edward Mandell House, a man who was very proud of his plan to convert America into a one-world socialist state or a socialist state under the one-world order.” In response, Haass claimed that the CFR does not have institutional positions on issues, and that he personally thought sovereignty has historically been a good thing that has led countries to respect borders and has given leeway to countries to govern the way they want within their own borders.
The evidence that Haass is lying is legion — that the CFR really does want an essentially borderless world run by global government, which will harm people by the hundreds of millions — but we’ll just give a few examples. The CFR has been a strong backer of an essentially borderless EU wherein people can live and work where they want, creating an “economic zone” where up to 80 percent of EU rules and regulations are dictated by unelected globalists. The CFR is pro-abortion, labeling it a human right, and Haass laments in an article entitled “Europe in Disarray” that countries are actually doing what they want to do, not what the CFR wants: “It is only a matter of time before France’s far-right National Rally (formerly the National Front) and political parties across Europe figure out how to combine economic and cultural populism and threaten the post-World War II political order.”
Haass also regularly advocates “global governance,” as is reflected in the video entitled “The State of Global Governance: A Conversation With Richard Haass and the Council of Councils.” It is self-evident that real global governance requires global government; otherwise, one merely has a global suggestion box.
Other notable CFR members have been matter-of-fact that globalists want to rule us, not advise us.
U.S. Admiral Chester Ward, who served as U.S. Navy judge advocate general, became a whistleblower after 16 years in the CFR: “The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence, and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government,” he warned in the book Kissinger on the Couch.
“This lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership,” Ward added. “In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as ‘America First.’”
In April 1974, Richard Gardner, former deputy assistant secretary of state, explained in Foreign Affairs, the periodical of the CFR,how the agenda for world government would happen. “In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down,” Gardner wrote. “An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.”
Also take, for instance, a quote that represented a moment of frankness by the late David Rockefeller in his 2002 autobiography Memoirs: “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
David Rockefeller was chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation (the banking interest) and a leader in multiple globalist groups: the Council on Foreign Relations (which largely determines the direction of the U.S. government through numerous members in high government positions), the Americas Society (which aims to bind North and South America together), the Bilderberg group (which is a group of the world’s richest and most politically influential people who gather to determine world goals), and the Trilateral Commission (to bring together Japan, Western Europe, and North America). And Rockefeller admitted to being “part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States.” Said in his old age, it’s nearly a deathbed confession.
Other Globalist Steps
And that is par for the course for globalists. Case in point: Big Tech manipulations. Not only are the globalist Big Tech gurus and others in government responsible for tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of COVID-related deaths because they restricted access to safe medications that could have successfully treated the disease, they even blocked the dissemination of information about safe, effective medications. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube removed content that showed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine helped COVID sufferers, calling it misinformation. Now globalists are upping the game.
Amazon, the biggest book-seller, began censoring books that contained anti-politically correct messages (think digital book burning), and globalist Big Tech gurus at Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and more have followed suit. Not only has Big Tech deplatformed anyone, including numerous doctors and researchers, who tried to publish factual research calling into question government lockdowns, drug policies, or mask mandates, but Big Tech is eliminating the ability of companies and individuals to generate ad revenue, and deplatforming them, if they are not in lockstep with the globalist/socialist agenda. Big Tech has literally cut off the income stream for conservative political activists who rely on streaming services to get their messages out, such as Dan Bongino and Mark Dice.
Many other independent thinkers have been deplatformed or defunded by Big Tech for taking actions that, not-so-surprisingly, pro-socialist tech users are guilty of doing all the time but don’t face consequences for doing. For example, numerous people and entities, such as Mike Lindell of My Pillow, have been booted from Twitter, Facebook, MailChimp, WordPress, and YouTube for disseminating the loads of affidavits and evidence showing that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, yet for four years after the 2016 election, and without facing any consequences from Big Tech, pro-socialists claimed that Russia helped anti-globalist Donald Trump steal the election from Hil-lary Clinton. And this remained true even after the declassification of CIA Director John Brennan’s notes, wherein he told President Obama that Hillary Clinton paid to have fictitious Russia claims made and released about Trump to take the public’s gaze from her e-mail scandal. It can’t be overemphasized that Big Tech didn’t punish those people for making false claims even after it was made public knowledge not only that the Russia conspiracy claim was untrue, but that the leading Democratic globalists such as Barack Obama have always known the claim was untrue.

Pie-in-the-sky planning: As financial writer and author John Mauldin pointed out in Forbes magazine, most countries have increased their financial, governmental, corporate, and household debt to high levels, and have promised unachievable welfare and retirement entitlements worth hundreds of trillions of dollars. (Photo credit: Congressional Budget Office)
No dissent is allowed. Big Tech even deplatformed Democrats who are part of the WalkAway campaign, who had the temerity to tell their stories of why they walked away from the Democrat Party.
There’s no doubt that globalists are lying to Americans and propagandizing them at the same time.
The saying that knowledge is power is true, and globalists are ensuring that Americans have little knowledge of truth for that very reason — to disempower their opponents.
And the efforts to stamp out free speech for non-ultra-leftists go all the way to the top. In our government, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said, “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so no one can spew disinformation and misinformation.”
Globalist entities are trying to cancel out anyone not on board with their plans. Donald Trump has not only had his business contracts with New York City canceled, which is no doubt illegal, but has had banks refuse to do business with him and had his social-media access canceled, even while he was president of the United States. Additionally, in this country, to try to remove the physical ability of citizens to fight back against future onerous government, not only did the Biden administration argue at the Supreme Court in a case called Caniglia v. Strom that the police should be able to execute warrantless searches to look for and confiscate guns, it overrode a law that stops banks from refusing to give loans to gun companies — so as to cut off gun-company funds. Also, Biden has said he plans to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which prevents gun companies from being sued when their products are used to harm others, which is a rule that already applies to all other companies. For instance, baseball-bat makers, knife makers, and automakers are not sued when their products are used by bad people to kill and maim others. This is to bankrupt the gun industry — more jobs and freedoms gone.
No jobs are safe from socialist/globalist cancellation. The Illinois State Board of Education, as the Chicago Tribune reported,
recently passed new standards for its teacher prep programs known as the “Culturally Competent Teaching and Leading Standards.” These proposed standards would require that teacher prep programs teach and train teacher candidates on highly sensitive and politically-charged topics, including race, gender identity and the role of power, privilege and student activism.
All teachers in Illinois would be required to “be aware of the effects of power and privilege and the need for social advocacy and social action …” under the “Systems of Oppression” standard. Teachers would additionally be required to “implement and integrate the wide spectrum of fluidity in identities in the curriculum.” Further, they would be required to “assess how their biases and perceptions affect their teaching practice and how they access tools to mitigate their own behavior” including on such concepts as “unearned privilege.”
Again, this has nothing to do with increasing quality of education, but with ensuring groupthink. If teachers aren’t on board, they won’t be allowed on staff.
In California, Assembly Bill 655, entitled the “California Law Enforcement Accountability Reform Act (CLEAR Act),” would “root out” police officers purportedly engaged in “hate speech” and those connected to “hate groups” by subjecting them to screenings. Of course, with pro-Trump voters and conservatives regularly being accused of being domestic terrorists for not being politically correct, we can see where this law would go, leading to the firing of or not hiring non-leftist/globalist police officers. The U.S. military is seeing a similar agenda, looking to crack down on “right-wing extremism,” court-martialing or otherwise kicking out those who aren’t politically correct. One example of “extremism” deemed worthy of a possible push from military service, according to training materials for the Navy, is saying that the 2020 election was stolen.
Socialists/globalists have spent decades taking over academia, media, and Big Tech, and they intend to leave no room for dissenting opinion, especially religious opinion. Under COVID restrictions, churches around the world were closed as “nonessential,” while liquor stores and strip clubs remained open. In the EU, hate-speech laws already have been used to arrest pastors who speak against biblical immorality such as homosexuality, and such actions will soon be visited on the United States if Democrats have their way.
The U.S. House has already passed the so-called Equality Act, which would expand the definition of protected classes in federal law to include “sexual orientation and gender identity.” Regarding the latter, the Equality Act explicitly states that “an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.” The act leaves the door open to put out of business any organization that follows biblical morality having to do with sex and abortion‚ including closing churches. It specifically says: “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act [which religious organizations had previously relied on to defend living their beliefs, because the Supreme Court seems to ignore the First Amendment at will] … shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title.” Note that a group of U.S. nuns called the Little Sisters of the Poor, who help elderly victims of poverty, have been under sustained legal assault by the government since ObamaCare’s early days for not providing insurance coverage to its members that provides for contraception. In several states, Christian adoption agencies have already been put out of business for trying to follow Christian teachings when counseling parents and adopting out children; and all manner of businesses have received huge fines for not servicing homosexual nuptials, though many businesses in the country only serves a specific clientele: women’s-only gyms, petite clothes shops, pornographic book printers, etc. Under the Equality Act, the attack on religion will take on new fervor, and there won’t be many venues to fight back. Biden is making sure of that. President Joe Biden fired Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) General Counsel Sharon Gustafson after she refused his request to resign.
Gustafson, who was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2019, advocated for religious believers who felt they were being discriminated against in the workplace, especially when their religious beliefs conflicted with “woke” ideology. All evidence of her work on behalf of believers was scrubbed from the EEOC’s website, including her efforts to make sure that “Listening Sessions [were held] in which a diverse group of representatives — including Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs — recommended ways the EEOC could improve its response to employees who experience religious discrimination.” And her firing was far from the political norm: She noted in her letter to Biden, “So far as I know, no previous General Counsel has been fired for being appointed by the wrong political party.”
Look for socialists’ “cancel culture” to grow exponentially if globalists have their way. That assertion can be confirmed in the article entitled “This new approach to credit scoring is accelerating financial inclusion in emerging economies.” In the name of “higher financial inclusion” for groups and peoples that are traditionally underserved by banks and credit companies, the World Economic Forum is pushing something called “Alternative Credit Scoring.” The WEF says that, instead of relying on a paper-based verification of one’s creditworthiness, the new system will provide “holistic and thorough risk analyses regarding potential consumers” by scanning applicants’ “alternative data such as social media, electronic transactions and cellular data.” In other words, the new credit check will search all electronic data to determine whether to do business with people.
This is exactly how Communist China’s “social credit system” works. The government there monitors cellphones and the world’s most expansive and intrusive camera system to see if a citizen talks to the wrong person, expresses the wrong opinion, goes to the wrong place, and more. If a person follows communist doctrine to the letter, the reward is access to better schools, jobs, pay, and travel opportunities. Conversely, any transgressions of the communist code are punished with less access to such things.
Globalists want such a system. On April 7, the World Economic Forum held its Global Technology Governance Summit called “Scaling up Digital Identity Systems.” The group made clear that it wants to force people to have a global digital identity to use telecommunications, access social media, get healthcare, shop online, access welfare, travel, and access the supply chain for goods. Sandra Ro, CEO at Global Blockchain Business Council, said bluntly: “I’m hoping with the desire and global demand for some sort of vaccine passport — so that people can get traveling and working again — will drive forced consent [of a digital ID], standardization, and frankly, cooperation across the world.”
Soon, if globalists get their way, it is more than likely, even probable, that taking an action such as going to a Trump rally would lead to penalties. Already many people who went to the January 6 Trump rally that resulted in a small number of people illegally entering the Capitol and doing some vandalism have been fired simply for attending the rally, yet those liberals who attended BLM riots that destroyed cities have gotten off scot-free, and in many universities it is nearly impossible for conservatives to get a job.
This digital ID system would enable the building and maintenance of the most repressive governing system the world has ever seen.
Also functioning as a key indicator that globalists’ goals aren’t for the benefit of everyone is the globalists’ reliance on false claims of racism and sexism to achieve their goals. Not only do such tactics create division, distrust, hate, and violence between various cultural groups, they tell us that the goals the globalists want to achieve wouldn’t be tolerated by unified, patriotic peoples — because if the world’s richest and most powerful people can’t sell the citizens of the world via honesty on the benefits of their plans, that means the benefits either don’t exist or are overwhelmed by the negatives of the plans.
Globalists, especially Democratic politicians and major media (major media are largely run by a few CFR members), regularly stoke racial lies and division, making minorities out to be victims of white supremacy and racism. Though crime statistics show that black males, who make up about six percent of the population of the country, commit roughly half the murders in the country and nearly 60 percent of the robberies, unarmed blacks are actually shot by police at a lower rate than are whites. Researcher, attorney, and author Heather Mac Donald said, “The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively in 2015.” Moreover, also belying the claims of white systemic racism, not only would most white men like to date a woman of a different race, according to dating data studied by NPR, minority races are frequently featured in commercials because advertisers know that having them on is status-raising, rather than stigmatizing. And not only do minorities in America get special privileges for school entry, jobs, and welfare handouts — how is that possible in a majority-racist country? — but studies have shown that Americans are most likely to think it’s OK to live next to a minority, as compared to people in other countries.
Not content to stir up racial division among blacks, now globalists in America are trying to rile Asians, making them believe they are victims of systemic violence by whites. For instance, the New York Times claimed that hate crimes against Asians in New York have “soared,” ostensibly because racist Donald Trump called the coronavirus the “Chinese virus.” Dennis Prager, of PragerU fame, explained what “soaring” really means:
The number of incidents “soared” and “jumped” to 28. In a city of 8.4 million people, including, as of 2010, over 1 million Asian Americans. So, about 1 in every 300,000 New Yorkers committed a hate crime against an Asian American, and about 1 in every 36,000 Asian Americans living in New York was a victim of a hate crime. To put this number into perspective, the odds of your dying in a motor vehicle accident are about 1 in 9,000.
Very noteworthy is the race of most of the attackers — they’re black, not white. Simply put, the claims of systemic racism by whites against Asians is a lie to build racial division to “divide and conquer,” and anyone who repeats the lie is either grossly uninformed or is a very bad person.
A final big clue that globalists do not have the “good” of everyone and everything at the heart of their plans is that to achieve these plans they are evidently going to try to ruin the world’s largest currencies by simply printing trillions of dollars to spend on globalist goals. There are to be trillions for “green energy,” trillions for “COVID relief,” trillions for new infrastructure, trillions for Third World countries, and on and on. When governments simply print money, they cause inflation and even hyperinflation, hurting the world’s poor and middle classes who can’t afford the consumer price increases.

The West’s social-credit system: In China, the government’s social-credit system monitors citizens’ behaviors via a web of cameras, scans all electronic data and online sites, and pays professional tattletales to check for condemned behaviors such as smoking, hanging out with the wrong people, expressing anti-government sentiment, and more. Now globalists are working to institute electronic vaccine/health records and scans of Westerners’ electronic communications before issuing credit, meaning the West is creating its own communistic social-credit system. (Photo credit: Arkadiusz Warguła/iStock/Getty Images Plus)
And if and when the globalists achieve a world currency, which has been a globalist goal for many decades, they can then simply dictate who can access money and who can’t. Well-connected socialists stand to make a fortune (similar to how communists in China control most large businesses), while those who are religiously affiliated, those who complain about governmental and socialistic corporatist initiatives, and those who try to buck the new system will see their access to cash cut off. In the end, those marginalized by the globalists will undoubtedly include most people — including most of today’s would-be socialists, which will surely be much to their chagrin.
What We Will See Next
Globalists often refer to their plans as technocracy — control of government, society, or industry by an elite group of experts — and they intend to see it happen now.
As a CNN article says, “There is no getting ‘back to normal,’ experts say. The sooner we accept that, the better.” (CNN, as with many in major media, regurgitates globalist mantras day-in and day-out.) That’s a common refrain: A brief online search would reveal that nearly every leftist or globalist publication has pushed the same line. Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum, and many other globalist leaders have said the same thing: There’s no returning to normal. So citizens in the West can expect to see a continuity of plans to make this happen: increased money printing and inflation to make people willing to switch to a world currency, increasingly open borders to add to economic and cultural strife, huge dollars spent on supposed “green” initiatives and the targeting of many non-green industries and jobs in the West, efforts to enable vote fraud so that globalists/socialists get “elected,” efforts to squash free speech and increase the number of actions prosecuted as “hate crimes,” increased unemployment in the West to increase reliance on government, lots more gun-control laws, and the continued stifling of religious belief and action.
And this will largely be pushed by Democratic state governments and globalist/socialist corporate heads, who plan to steamroll over dissenters.
Delta Airlines, Major League Baseball, and Coca-Cola were among corporations taking public stances saying it is racist for Georgia to require official IDs to vote — and MLB even tried to punish Georgia by taking away the All-Star game and the MLB draft from that state — yet Delta requires photo IDs to fly on its planes; MLB is breaking the law in every state if it doesn’t check the ID’s of youngish-looking people who want beer; MLB moved the All-Star game to Colorado, which already requires an ID to vote; and one of Coca-Cola’s biggest customers is China, a country that has concentration camps and is credibly accused of widespread atrocities such as murder. The corporatist “outrage” isn’t done out of concern for individual rights, but increased national socialism — end of story.
While the above may sound like a partisan attack, it’s not. In this country, plans to forward globalism aren’t specifically Republican or Democratic. Though Democratic policies are carrying globalist plans across the goal line at the present time, leading Republicans have been onboard for decades, including Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Karl Rove, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and many more.
It’s globalists against the rest of us. If one wanted to destroy the wealth, freedom, and happiness of the majority of people on Earth, the “build back better” approach — which is really worldwide modern serfdom, as was done by kings in the Middle Ages, or a form of extreme communism under a kinder, gentler name — would be the path to follow. Though, obviously, some globalists pushing this agenda know that it is anti-human and will cause great suffering, it is likely that most globalists simply are so confident in their own infallibility and brilliance that they can’t even rationally contemplate the obvious flaws of the plan. So it’s up to us to point out the flaws to them. Shakespeare said that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; in this case, communism by any other name is just as odious.
In short, there’s no way that “build back better” globalism means wealth and health for the bulk of the world’s populace. Since wealth must be created before it can be collected and dispersed by government, and with governments in the West attacking jobs and already running up huge deficits, it’s almost inconceivable that anyone could reasonably think government will furnish a comfortable life for everyone.
No one who genuinely cares about the welfare of the world’s poverty-stricken people should be for this. No one who cares about the environment should be for this. No Christian should be for this. No one who cares about black Americans and other minorities should be for this. No one who cares about the elderly should be for this. No one who cares about women and children should be for this. No one who values individual rights and freedoms should be for this. No one who cares about the rule of law and safety should be for this. Bluntly, no one who has more common sense than God gave a goose should be for this.
Be sure to tell politicians how you feel. Especially pressure state governments to fight any and all federal and international usurpations of laws and rights, and have them nullify any bad actions that come down the pipe. And boycott businesses who back globalist measures.