Immigrant Prosecutor Arrested American Who Complained About Daughter’s Rape, Freed Criminal Who Attacked Cops
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Buta Biberaj
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A lot of Americans never knew who Buta Biberaj was until recently. But the voters and taxpayers in Loudoun County, Virginia, certainly knew, and right about now, they probably regret electing the leftist Albanian Muslim as the county’s chief prosecutor.

A longtime criminals’ lawyer who defended rapists, child molesters, and sex perverts, she prosecuted an American father who showed up at a school board meeting to complain that his daughter was raped in a county school.

Last year, citing the leftist narrative on George Floyd, she refused to prosecute a black man who attacked two cops during a traffic stop.

The message is clear: Americans elect leftist immigrants at their own risk.

Rapist in the Schools

The latest on Biberaj appeared in the Daily Wire, which reported on the arrest and conviction of Scott Smith, an irate father who showed up at a school board meeting on June 22. His daughter, he told board members, was raped in a school bathroom on May 28. The rape suspect was a boy in a skirt.

Police reported that “a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school,” as Smith’s attorney described the charge. Yet school officials denied any problems with the county’s idiotic and dangerous “transgender” bathroom-locker room policy.

That policy permits boys to use the girls’ restroom, and vice versa.

“It’s important to keep our perspective on this, we’ve heard it several times tonight from our public speakers, but the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist,” the school superintendent told board members.

When a pro-homosexual activist told Smith that his daughter was lying, he exploded and called the woman a “b***h.” After a struggle with police, Smith landed in jail. On August 17, a judge sentenced him to 10 days in jail. And Biberaj, who personally prosecuted Smith, “also pushed for a fine and a requirement for anger management training,” Loudoun Now reported.

Smith, who says he is pro-homosexual, had already squabbled with the school principal when his daughter was raped.

Though prosecutors told Smith the rape suspect was under house arrest, he was, apparently, back in school. Smith’s attorney told the Daily Wire that sheriff’s deputies arrested the same boy this month:

A teenager from Ashburn has been charged with sexual battery and abduction of a fellow student at Broad Run High School. The investigation determined on the afternoon of October 6, the 15-year-old suspect forced the victim into an empty classroom where he held her against her will and inappropriately touched her.

Now, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and leftist school unions want guys like Smith designated as terrorists for trying to hold school board members accountable.

Cops Undermined

But just as Biberaj prosecutes Americans for protesting rape in schools, she also undermines cops. Last year, she refused to prosecute a black motorist who resisted arrest. He had attacked two cops after one pulled him over for speeding through Leesburg.

After the first cop spotted marijuana in the car and called for backup, he testified at a preliminary hearing, the motorist refused to exit his car, Loudoun Now reported. Instead, “he started the ignition and began rolling his window up.”

The cop’s arm was stuck, and the motorist began “clawing” at his wrist. When the cop suspected the motorist was reaching for a gun, he punched him in the face. 

As in other cases, the cops had to force the motorist out of the car and to the ground. 

But “Loudoun prosecutors opted to forgo prosecuting either charge, under the direction of Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj, who found the evidence did not support the charges,” the newspaper reported:

And in an email to the Washington Post, Biberaj wrote “we were concerned that the events of this case could and would fracture the trust our community has for our justice system. This is a case that will provide our law enforcement partners the opportunity to use to educate their members, provide additional training, and ensure that the events resulting in the death of George Floyd never occur in Loudoun County.”

Friend of Criminals

That move was no surprise. Retired state Senator Dick Black recounted Biberaj’s past as a criminals’ lawyer in The Bull Elephant.

After her rapist client was convicted with DNA evidence, “Biberaj was angry because the victim watched the defendant being handcuffed and led off to prison,” Black wrote:

She demanded of the prosecutor, “Are you going to stand and watch this?” When the prosecutor replied “yes,” Biberaj sneered back “F—ck you!”