PARIS — In exchange for going along with the United Nations “climate” agenda, the world’s largest coalition of Third World dictators and backwards regimes is demanding “significantly” more than $100 billion per year in global-warming reparations from Western taxpayers. Known as the Group of 77 plus (Communist) China, the radical 134-member alliance, which includes the world’s most oppressive dictators, released a statement saying “nothing” could be achieved at the ongoing UN global-warming summit in Paris without lots of “climate finance” flowing from freer nations to their largely autocratic regimes.
The UN and most Western governments have so far been more than happy to fork over their struggling taxpayers’ wealth to the extortionists in exchange for a UN “climate” regime imposing draconian controls on all of humanity. Last year alone, more than $60 billion in supposed climate reparations was handed out to Third World rulers, according to a recent study. But those rulers want more — much more — and are now threatening to scuttle the whole UN “climate” agenda if they do not get their way.
In a statement sent to journalists, the Third World alliance, which last year demanded global socialism and what it called a “New World Order to Live Well,” listed its latest climate demands. “The G77 and China stresses that nothing under the UNFCCC [UN Framework Convention on Climate Change] can be achieved without the provision of means of implementation [wealth from the West] to enable developing countries [Third World governments] to play their part to address climate change,” said Ambassador Nozipho Mxakato-Diseko, representing the South African Communist Party (SACP)-African National Congress (ANC) regime but speaking on behalf of the entire G77 plus Communist China outfit.
“It is now time for all developed country Parties [governments ruling freer and more prosperous nations] to convert their pledges to the GCF [Green Climate slush Fund] into contribution agreements, as well as scaling up commitments [bribe promises],” Mxakato-Diseko continued. “Under the Convention, developed countries are obliged to provide financial resources, including technology transfer and capacity building to all developing countries. This is a legal obligation under the Convention.”
The radical South African diplomat and the alliance of regimes she was speaking for insisted that the loot being demanded was not “aid,” “charity,” or “development assistance” (foreign aid). Instead, it is reparations for the West’s industrial, economic, and technological progress and the associated emissions of carbon dioxide, which scientists know as the “gas of life.” “Finance support from developed countries relates to the impacts of historical emissions, which will only get worse with time for developing countries,” Mxakato-Diseko alleged.
Virtually all Western governments and the UN itself have expressed a willingness to embrace the outlandish narrative and comply with the extortion racket. For instance, Western governments have already vowed to shower trillions of dollars on corrupt Third World governments as a sort of ongoing bribe over the years and decades ahead — all under the guise of reparations for human emissions of carbon dioxide, which make up a fraction of one percent of all the greenhouse gases present naturally in the atmosphere.
Speaking Sunday on the sidelines of the main COP21 summit at a conference for African regimes, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon echoed the G77 talking points. “I have been impressing upon developed and developing country [government] partners as well as non-state actors that financing [climate reparations] is not charity,” claimed the UN boss. “We all should understand that financing is a tool that helps us raise collective ambition.” By “collective ambition,” he is referring to the amount of economic and political pain governments will be willing to impose on their citizens under the guise of saving humanity from itself.
The Socialist Party-run French government, which is hosting the UN summit and demanding that any “climate” deal bypass the U.S. Congress, also emphasized the importance of providing enough bribes to Third World governments. “The biggest challenge is finance because poorer countries [governments] have to believe that an agreement is a real agreement,” claimed French “Energy and Environment Minister” Segolene Royal in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “They need to obtain the financing because outside the financing, there is nothing true and nothing credible.” Royal also noted that African rulers were blaming alleged “climate” problems for people joining the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. Seriously.
After blaming America for alleged anthropogenic (man-made) global warming (AGW), Obama, speaking in Paris at the start of the UN summit, also demanded huge taxpayer-funded bribes to Third World regimes. “Let’s make sure that the countries [governments] who don’t yet have the full capacity to report on their targets receive the support that they need,” he said, promising Western assistance in imposing and financing the imposition of the UN “climate” machinations on Third World populations impoverished by their oppressive rulers.
“Here in Paris, let’s reaffirm our commitment that resources [money from Western taxpayers] will be there for countries [Third World governments and dictators] willing to do their part to skip the dirty phase of development,” Obama continued without explaining what was “dirty” about lifting people out of poverty, ignorance, and disease through liberty, economic growth, energy production, and market-driven prosperity. “Here in Paris, let’s also make sure that these resources [money from Western taxpayers] flow to the countries [Third World governments and dictators] that need help preparing for the impacts of climate change that we can no longer avoid.”
But in the United States, Congress, which controls the federal government’s purse strings, has been less than enthusiastic about sinking U.S. taxpayers deeper into debt to pay bribes to foreign governments for “climate” reparations. In fact, GOP lawmakers, currently in the majority in both houses, have vowed to block funding for Obama’s multi-billion-dollar “pledges” to the UN’s slush fund for Third World regimes.
“If they think they are going to get all that money for the fund, they’re mistaken,” said a senior aide to Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), chairman of the Senate Environment Committee, after Obama pledged $3 billion of U.S. wealth for the UN “Green Climate Fund” without any semblance of legislative or constitutional authority to do so. “You’re going to see us being more aggressive about not sending more money to the UN and elsewhere for climate change.” Inhofe, who wrote a book calling AGW a hoax, may reportedly come to the Paris summit to make clear that U.S. lawmakers are not going to be playing along with the UN’s global-warming antics.
For the G77 plus China regimes, which are hoping to return home from Paris with promises for huge sums of Western climate loot, that is simply unacceptable. Speaking for the G77 alliance, which includes some two thirds of the world’s national governments, Mxakato-Diseko blasted the notion that because many Third World nations had seen some economic growth in recent decades, their regimes should also contribute some funds to the GCF. “This narrative serves narrow national interests of developed countries and says little about reality,” she said, emphasizing that Third World countries were still poor but without explaining why that is the case.
Then, she got to the specific numbers being demanded. “A substantial scaling up of finance from the 2020 base level of US$100 billion per year is required,” the G77 plus Communist China mouthpiece continued. “In this regard, developed country Parties, and other developed countries included in Annex II, have the main responsibility to provide finance that is new, additional, predictable and sustainable and with an [sic] balanced allocation between adaptation and mitigation.”
She also urged Western governments to be more upfront about how much bribe money they were willing to fork over to G77 member regimes. “The fact that finance for climate change is discussed in a fragmented way across the bodies of the Convention, does not allow us to get a sense of the climate finance landscape,” the South African complained. “This cannot be best [sic] way to address this most crucial aspect of the fight against climate change.”
As Mxakato-Diseko’s statement suggests, apparently the “most crucial” aspect of the battle against alleged AGW is global wealth redistribution — at least to the “Paris-ites,” as critics are referring to governments and dictators at the UN summit demanding more loot.
“The crucial linkages between the provision of financial resource [sic], technology transfer and capacity-building support have not been addressed in an integrated way in the UNFCCC system,” Mxakato-Diseko fumed, using three different terms to describe what is essentially global wealth redistribution. “This approach in the real world does not make any sense. It cannot continue if we are serious about addressing climate change. We need to have a coherent and comprehensive approach on means of implementation which includes the provision of finance, technology transfer and capacity-building.”
The group of 134 regimes, including most of the world’s communist and Islamist dictatorships, she continued, wants the UN summit to focus on “the provision of finance support in its broadest sense in a coherent and comprehensive manner that responds to the actual needs of developing countries [Third World governments] to implement actions that are required to address climate change.” If Western governments refuse to fleece their citizens to do it — an unlikely prospect at this point, based on their public statements — the G77 vowed to walk away from the UN “climate” regime currently under negotiation.
The GOP-controlled Congress has an excellent opportunity to slam the brakes on the whole UN global-warming “hoax,” as independent scientists refer to the “climate” machinations and the increasingly discredited theory underpinning them. All it has to do is inform the G77 plus Communist China that the American people’s elected representatives do not intend to borrow or extract one more penny of “climate” loot to send to oppressive Third World regimes that have impoverished those they misrule. Whether U.S. lawmakers are serious about reining in the climate antics of the UN and the Obama administration, though, remains to be seen.
Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.
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