Coronavirus: Deep State Assault on Economic Freedom

Coronavirus: Deep State Assault on Economic Freedom

Under the guise of fighting the coronavirus, globalists are instituting policies that will bring about global government, total surveillance, and unending personal controls. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Under the guise of fighting the coronavirus, globalists are instituting policies that will bring about global government, total surveillance, and unending personal controls.

Using the panic over the coronavirus as a pretext, the Deep State and its propagandists have been working overtime to fundamentally transform society — especially on the economic front. Virtually every Deep State objective is being peddled as a supposed solution or treatment for the Chinese virus. From going “cashless” with digital currency, to endless money printing by the Federal Reserve, to crashing the economy with “stay-at-home” orders, to getting everyone dependent on government with so-called stimulus payments as the productive economy grinds to a halt, to globalizing the monetary system, the danger is very real. The push to crush privacy, the middle class, and what remains of the free market system has gone into overdrive. The risks are enormous.

The economic devastation unleashed largely by government decree — mostly at the state level — has already been catastrophic. Stocks lost almost 30 percent in less than a month, wiping out all the gains made under President Trump over three years. Everyday Americans were fleeced. According to the Wall Street Journal, though, top executives at U.S.-traded companies dumped almost $10 billion in shares of their own firms between early February and the market collapse, saving them billions. A number of lawmakers also had amazing timing, including Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and others with access to inside information, selling millions of dollars worth of stock before the collapse.

But the stock market collapse and the pain felt by Wall Street may be overshadowed by the devastation of main street. Millions of Americans are losing their jobs amid the crisis, and more probably will soon. The wave of firings and furloughs was so huge that it crashed unemployment websites nationwide. St. Louis Fed projections estimate some 47 million Americans could lose their jobs. Because surveys show most Americans still live paycheck to paycheck, those job losses are going to continue reverberating through the economy as payments are missed for cars, rent, credit cards, and more. Countless small businesses — and potentially even major companies — may shut forever, even with federal bailouts. Just look at car sales: down about 36 percent just from February to March.

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