Brexit: Rejecting Globalism

Brexit: Rejecting Globalism

The British rebuffed further membership in the EU. In response, the ruling elite made clear that world government is the goal and they don’t care what the “ignorant masses” want. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Earthquake. That is the predominant metaphor politicians, media commentators, and headline writers have been using to describe the impact of the “Brexit” referendum, a tectonic convulsion in which British voters decisively opted, on June 23, to exit the European Union.

“Brexit earthquake has happened, and the rubble will take years to clear,” declared the title of a column by Rafael Behr in the U.K.’s Guardian, a stalwartly pro-EU, left-wing daily. “Politics as practised for a generation is upended,” said Behr, “traditional party allegiances are shredded; the prime minister’s authority is bust — and that is just the parochial domestic fallout. A whole continent looks on in trepidation. It was meant to be unthinkable, now the thought has become action. Europe cannot be the same again.”

Similar expressions of shock and disbelief echoed throughout the globalist firmament: “The Week Britain’s Brexit ‘Earthquake’ Shook The World” (Huffington Post, USA); “Brexit economic shock equivalent to natural disaster, says OECD” (The Independent, U.K.); “Earthquake in Europe” (Le Point, France); “Brexit An ‘Earthquake’ in London” (Atlantic Council, USA).

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