About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
Former CIA Director John Brennan Now Target of Criminal Probe into Russia Investigation
Former CIA Director John Brennan is reportedly under scrutiny by U.S. Attorney John Durham in his probe into the origins of the FBI “Russia collusion” investigation. ...
Poland’s National Sovereignty Challenged by EU
Poland may soon face a decision whether to obey the dictates of the European Union and cease to function as a truly independent nation, or follow the example of...
WikiLeaks: Evidence That Syria Did Not Use Chemical Weapons Was Repressed
The charge that Syria has used chemical weapons was debunked, but the initial report was suppressed, WikiLeaks reveals. ...
Eastwood’s Richard Jewell Movie Powerful Case Against Big Government and Big Media
Clint Eastwood's powerful movie illustrates the dangers of Big Government agencies not only unchecked by Big Media, but also when they are in league with each other. ...
House Judiciary Committee Report Accuses Trump of Treason
The Framers specifically defined treason in the Constitution, in an effort to prevent the spurious accusation now being leveled against President Donald Trump. ...
Clinton Impeachment: Should Treason Have Been the Reason?
Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about having sex with Monica Lewinsky. He should have been impeached for taking bribes from foreigners. ...
Pelosi Asks House to Impeach Trump, Hypocritically Citing Fidelity to the Constitution
“The president’s actions have seriously violated the Constitution,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during in a Thursday press briefing. Pelosi told reporters that Trump “leaves us no choice but...
Nunes Accuses CNN of Lying in Libel Suit
Representative Devin Nunes is asking for $435,350,000 in compensatory and punitive damages from CNN for its report that Nunes met with Viktor Shokin to dig up “dirt” on the...
Trump Administration Invokes Patriot Act Provision to Detain Man — Indefinitely
This case poses concerns for national security, but also for civil liberties.. ...
Democrats in Swing Districts Fear Impeachment Backlash
Democrats in districts in which Trump won in 2016 fear that the continued impeachment proceedings could lead to their defeat next year. ...
House of Representatives Sneaks Reauthorization of Patriot Act Into Continuing Resolution
The House of Representatives continues the game of kicking the can down the road with temporary spending bills, only this time they slipped in an extension of the liberty-killing...
Democrats Attack Trump, Support More Spending in Atlanta Debate
The Democratic presidential debate held Wednesday night in Atlanta had two main points. One, that Trump is a liar and a criminal and needs to be impeached, and two,...
Buttigieg’s Rise in Polls Changes Democrat Race for President
The unexpected surge in the polls for South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg says a lot about the weakness of the Democratic field for president. ...
Professor’s Lawsuit in Oklahoma Illustrates the Liberal Bias of American Universities
Lawsuit alleges that support for President Trump was punished at Oklahoma State University, for simply working for the Trump administration. ...
California Liberals Financing Effort to Pass Plan in Colorado to Gut Electoral College
Concerned that the voters of Colorado will vote to keep the present Electoral College system of electing a president, liberals in California are pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars...