About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
Cable Service When Jessica Nash Donnahoo found herself overwhelmed during a service visit from her cable technician on March 16, she was surprised to learn that her technician provided...
Transgender Athlete Breaks Women’s Powerlifting Records, Prompting Criticism
Transgender athlete Mary Gregory has reportedly “shattered” four women’s powerlifting world records on Sunday, but only Gregory seems to be celebrating. ...
Wisconsin Governor to Veto “Born-Alive” Bill If Passed
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has vowed to veto the state’s “born alive” bill that would mandate doctors provide care to infants who survive abortion procedures. ...
NYC Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Vaccine Order
Last week, New York City Judge Lawrence Knipel of the Kings County Supreme Court dismissed a complaint from parents who objected to the city’s emergency vaccine order in the...
The Goodness of America
Love Letters From Dogs Seven-year-old Emma Mertens of Hartland, Wisconsin, Emma received a devastating diagnosis, and so people all over the country are doing their best to cheer her...
N.C. Democratic Governor Vetoes Pro-life “Born-alive” Bill
North Carolina Democratic Governor Roy Cooper has vetoed a measure that would have protected babies born alive during a late-term abortion, proving once again that the Democratic Party has...
Black Congresswoman Tries to Exempt Black Babies From Pro-life Law
Ohio State Representative Janine Boyd, a black woman, drafted an amendment that would have exempted black babies from pro-life “heartbeat bill” legislation. That amendment fortunately failed, but where is...
Twilight Zone Gets “Woke”: Identity Politics and Police Brutality Focal Point of Episode
Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone reboot already setting itself apart from its predecessor as it seems to be more interested in being “woke” and adhering to identity politics than capturing...
PC Madness: Italian Cemetery Covers Crosses to Avoid Offending Muslims
A Catholic cemetery near Bologna, Italy, has selected to cover crosses on graves to avoid offending those who may practice other religions. ...
The Goodness of America
Free Pizza, Warm Hearts When York County, Pennsylvania, was struck by yet another snowstorm in February, Delta Pizza stayed open to serve the first responders and anyone who needed...
Kansas University Offers Course on “Angry White Males”
The University of Kansas (KU) is the latest college to villainize white males, this time in a course entitled “Angry White Male Studies,” for which students can actually earn...
Police Raid Home, Take Children From Parents Who Failed to Obey Doctor’s Orders
Parents in Chandler, Arizona, have lost custody of their children, at least temporarily, for failing to adhere to doctor’s orders, in a story that is sure to terrify parents...
Trump’s DOJ Supports Judge’s Ruling That Could End ObamaCare
In a surprising turn of events on Monday, the Trump administration said it supports a federal judge’s ruling that the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional and will not...
Unvaccinated Student Sues Local Health Department Over New Policy
An unvaccinated Kentucky teen is suing his local health department because he has been barred from basketball practice at his Catholic high school for refusing to get the chickenpox...
Signs An entire neighborhood in Newton, Massachusetts, has taken up sign language to communicate with two-year-old neighbor Samantha Savitz. Savitz was born deaf, CBS News reported, and can only...