During the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Sustainable Development Impact Meetings in September, UN Undersecretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming made some interesting comments regarding what she referred to as “disinformation” and “fake news” as it pertains to climate change, Covid-19, and social media.
The specific panel was titled “Tackling Disinformation,” and the panelists included CNN’s Rachel Smolkin and Claire Wardle, a Brown University professor who is supposedly an expert on disinformation.
Fleming explained that the UN “partnered” with tech giant Google to promote UN content about climate change: “You know, we partnered with Google, for example, if you Google climate change, you will, at the top of your search, get all kinds of UN resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled climate change, we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top.”
“You know, we own the science and we think that the world should know it and the platforms themselves also do,” Fleming said. “But again, it’s a huge, huge challenge that I think all sectors of society need to be very active in.”
“We own the science?” What, exactly, does Fleming mean by “the science?” Merriam-Webster defines science as “knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method.” How can an entity — even the UN — “own” such a thing?
The UN official was also concerned that the United Nations was not a very trusted source when it came to information gathering, which is why they partnered with the Chinese-owned TikTok when it came to medical guidance on the issue of Covid-19 vaccines.
“We had another trusted messenger project, which was called Team Halo, where we trained scientists around the world and some doctors on TikTok. And we had TikTok working with us. And these scientists who had virtually no following to start with, got verified ticks,” Fleming explained.
Fleming detailed the UN’s use of “influencers” to spread whatever message they wished in the hope that those “influencers” would be more trusted than the globalists at the UN.
“Another really key strategy that we had was to deploy influencers, influencers who were really keen, who have huge followings but really keen to help carry messages that were going to serve their communities,” Fleming pointed out. “And they were much more trusted than the United Nations telling them something from New York City headquarters.”
Fleming called it a “layered deployment of ideas and tactics.”
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano explained the skullduggery in his book The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown: “During the COVID-19 panic, public health bureaucrats, politicians, and media figures constantly invoked ‘The Science’ when determining how hard and long to hammer the public with lockdowns and mandates. In reality the Great Reset was underway in 2020, with the promotion of authoritarian COVID-19 ‘mitigation’ measures utilizing decades of corrupted ‘science.'”
Despite their claimed success in propagandizing the masses, Fleming was still vexed that the United Nations apparently doesn’t receive the sort of push that they’ve apparently negotiated with Google and TikTok on all internet platforms.
“Like for example, at the UN I was astonished to learn from my social media colleagues that we fall under a category called civic institutions, which means our starting point, we’re down ranked. So our starting point is down here. Whereas, Joe Conspiracy-Theorist can start here,” Fleming complained.
Don’t worry Ms. Fleming, Facebook has their “fact checkers” closely observing the situation.
It’s yet another example of globalists using science — or more correctly the term “the science” — to push their agenda items (Covid lockdowns, climate crisis, etc.) as fact instead of the scientifically dubious opinions that they are.
By claiming that they “own” the science, globalists such as Fleming claim a high ground that is not theirs to take.