A recently released United Nations report outlines the global body’s plan to foist a centrally planned “green” world order on all of humanity, making every level of government subservient to its “sustainable development” agenda. The upcoming Rio+20 sustainability conference in Brazil — held two decades after the first “Earth Summit” adopted Agenda 21 — will be used to solidify the foundation of the emerging planetary control system.
Under the guise of a “green economy” — expected to cost trillions of dollars per year, according to the report — the UN intends to make use of coercive power at all levels of governance to implement the plan. From local and national governments to regional and global entities, programs affecting every area of human life will be used to advance the controversial “sustainable development” agenda.
According to the UN report, entitled “Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective,” everything must change to make humanity more sustainable. Lifestyles, opinions, education, health, consumption, production, agriculture, diet, law, taxation, industry, governance, and more: Literally everything must be re-shaped to conform with new international standards.
“Specifically, in a transition to a green economy, public policies will need to be used strategically to reorient consumption, investments, and other economic activities,” the document explains, touting the reduction of carbon emissions and new educational programs to teach humanity why it must become sustainable. “Transitioning to a green economy requires a fundamental shift in the way we think and act.”
The perfect opportunity to solidify the scheme is coming up in June at the UN sustainability summit. And UN bosses are determined not to waste it. “Agreement among UN entities on core elements of strategy, policy, and programmatic services in support of governments’ green economy initiatives will send a powerful signal to governments, businesses, and civil society of the determination of the UN system to ‘Deliver as One’ on a green economy transformation for sustainable development,” the report notes.
Green, From the Top Down:
The plan, of course, will be imposed from the top down. Regional, national, state, and even local governments will all be coaxed into participation. “At the international, sub-regional, and regional levels, there is a need for policy coherence and financial and technological cooperation,” the UN report states. Various enforcement tools will be used to ensure compliance.
Global “justice” to enforce obedience must be powerful for the scheme to succeed. “The success of regulatory approaches hinges on the certainty of policies as well as the quality and credibility of regulatory institutions and their compliance mechanisms, including justice systems,” the report explains. “Effective compliance mechanisms should be put in place in order to achieve the desired outcomes.”
Related Article: UN Seeks New Powers to Remake World at Rio Sustainability Summit
To aid in the transition toward a so-called “green economy,” the report explains, governments at all levels will have to employ “mandatory technical regulations” and other measures. International bodies, of course, will be used to ensure the whole world is signing up to and complying with the controversial agenda. And the regulations will have to be global.
“Fostering regulatory approaches to support a green economy requires strengthened integrated institutional framework and governance,” the report states, suggesting that more centralized and powerful coercive measures are needed. “To avoid the proliferation of national regulations and standards, the use of relevant international standards is essential.”
The UN, of course, has already been working to develop the international rules that every person and government on Earth will eventually be expected to obey. “In this regard, a number of UN entities have been involved in developing international regulations, standards or guidelines to be used as a basis for national regulations or standards to support green economy objectives,” the report observes.
Outside of the UN, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have parts to play in the transformation of society as well — particularly when it comes to developing the rules all of humanity must abide by or prodding national governments into subjecting their populations to the schemes. Those entities will also work with national, state, and local lawmakers to ensure that everybody is on board.
“The UN system and the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWIs) have an important role to play in supporting the transition to a green economy in the area of regulatory approaches,” the report explains. “They can encourage the ratification of relevant international agreements, assist the Parties to implement and comply with related obligations, develop relevant international standards and guidelines, promote good regulatory practice, and build capacity, including that of legislators at national and sub-national levels to prepare and ensure compliance with regulations and standards in supporting the transition to a green economy.”
There might be an even more important role for the IMF to play, too, at least if the UN and a cabal of powerful global leaders get their way. The UN acknowledges that the “transition” will be wildly expensive — likely more than $2 trillion per year, not including the economic losses suffered due to central planning and compliance with the unprecedented global regulatory regime.
And so, the UN proposed, it might be a good idea to consider making use of the IMF’s so-called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) — a sort of proto-global currency based on the value of major fiat currencies — to help pay for the never-ending “transition” to the largely undefined “green economy.” According to the UN document, the search for a source of international funds at a large enough scale to support the global plan should include an effort to “explore the potential for an innovative use of Special Drawing Rights (SDR).”
A truly global currency managed by the IMF, of course, would certainly help the emerging centralized authority to pay for the grandiose transformation envisioned by the UN. But critics have warned that such a scheme would be extremely dangerous — to say the least — as the global system would then have essentially unlimited funding to support its highly controversial agenda.
Central planning in the “Green Economy”:
According to the report, the whole “green economy” will be directed and planned by global institutions. “The UN system and the multilateral development banks have an important role to play in supporting investments in resource efficient development and advancement of sustainable consumption and production,” the document claims. “They can provide technical advice and capacity support to governments.”
The so-called “advice” will include, among other measures, policy design and implementation. But of course, there is much more: The creation and development of a so-called “carbon market” based on dubious UN global-warming theories; the “greening” of just about everything; boosting coercive support for “green energy;” developing a “range of instruments” to extract the wealth needed to pay for it all; and more.
“UN entities can help governments and others to find the most appropriate ways of phasing out harmful subsidies while combining that with the introduction of new incentive schemes to encourage positive steps forward,” the document explains. And public policies will be needed to “bring about the required structural change associated with a green economy transformation.”
“Incentives” including regulations and “distributional policies” should “contribute to behavioral changes in production, consumption, and lifestyles,” the document claims. One key element of changing people’s thoughts and lifestyles will be educational programs to essentially teach the youth the importance of accepting the new global order. Worldwide welfare programs will play an important role in the changes as well.
“Strategic planning” of so-called “city-regions” — also known as central planning — is also, according to the UN document, “critical” to ensuring that humanity stops consuming more resources than the planners think appropriate. A transition toward what the UN calls “sustainable diets” will be needed, too.
Even with sustainable diets, however, the supposedly wise would-be central planners hold as a central tenant of their faith that supposed “overpopulation” represents a threat to Mother Earth. So, to partially alleviate the alleged problem, the UN proposed ensuring access to legalized abortion and “family planning” all over the world.
“Demographic change together with urbanization not only heightens the need for a swift transition to a green economy, but also calls for policies to address population dynamics within a human-rights based framework,” the document claims. “These policies, most notably, include universal access to reproductive health care [also known as abortion, birth control and sterilization] and family planning as well as the empowerment of women and appropriate investments in education.”
The “Green” China Model:
While the “green” UN vision appears at first glance to be unprecedented, there seems to be an existing model: Red China. The totalitarian communist regime — with its brutal suppression of dissent and its one-child policy enforced through forced abortions — is described by the UN report as “a good example of combining investments and public policy incentives” in the development of clean technology for the march toward the “green economy.” In reality, of course, central planning in China has produced very little in the way of technological progress — most of that has come through worldwide espionage aimed primarily at more liberty-minded nations.
Despite well over 50 million deaths caused by the communist dictatorship under Chairman Mao, key proponents of the UN goals continue to praise the system. “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history,” billionaire UN supporter and “green” agenda driver David Rockefeller was quoted as saying by the New York Times in 1973.
The upcoming UN sustainability summit in Rio de Janeiro this June will be led by Secretary General Sha Zukang, who served as a senior diplomat in the communist Chinese dictatorship for nearly four decades. “We need a robust outcome from Rio+20, with reinvigorated political commitments by all countries,” he said earlier this year. “We need strong decisions — strong in commitments and strong in actions.”
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