Trump Takes Colombia’s Petro to Woodshed: Take Back Illegals or Face Tariffs, Visa Restrictions
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Gustavo Petro
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Colombian President Gustavo Petro found out on Sunday that he isn’t dealing with Sleepy Joe Biden.

When he imprudently turned away planes that carried Colombian illegal aliens deported from the United States, President Donald Trump threatened tariffs and visa restrictions on the Third World nation. Petro said Colombia would retaliate.

Then Petro caved. Colombia will accept the deportees.

50-percent Tariffs

The short squabble began when Petro announced that he had turned away the deportee flights.

Playing a round of golf at Trump National Doral in Miami, Trump took a break on the third hole to warn Petro, “who is already very unpopular amongst his people,” to back down.

“Petro’s denial of these flights has jeopardized the National Security and Public Safety of the United States, so I have directed my Administration to immediately take the following urgent and decisive retaliatory measures,” he wrote on Truth Social:

-Emergency 25% tariffs on all goods coming into the United States. In one week, the 25% tariffs will be raised to 50%.

-A Travel Ban and immediate Visa Revocations on the Colombian Government Officials, and all Allies and Supporters.

-Visa Sanctions on all Party Members, Family Members, and Supporters of the Colombian Government.

-Enhanced Customs and Border Protection Inspections of all Colombian Nationals and Cargo on national security grounds.

IEEPA [International Emergency Economic Powers Act,] Treasury, Banking and Financial Sanctions to be fully imposed. 

These measures are just the beginning. We will not allow the Colombian Government to violate its legal obligations with regard to the acceptance and return of the Criminals they forced into the United States!

Petro replied with a deranged rant in which he said he would not deal with “white slavers.”

He called the United States a “bit boring,” confessed that he liked “Walt Whitman and Paul Simon and Noam Chomsky and Miller,” and, strangely, offered his take on leftist murderers Sacco and Vanzetti. They “were murdered by labor leaders with the electric chair, the fascists who are within the USA as well as within my country.”

Petro doesn’t like American oil, claimed that Trump considers “me part of an inferior race,” and suggested that Trump would “carry out a coup with your economic strength and your arrogance, like they did with [Chile’s communist dictator Salvador] Allende.”

“You don’t like our freedom, okay. I don’t shake hands with White slavers,” he continued:

I shake hands with the White libertarian heirs of Lincoln and the Black and White farm boys of the USA, at whose graves I cried and prayed on a battlefield, which I reached after walking the mountains of Italian Tuscany and after being saved from Covid.

They are the United States and before them I kneel, before no one else.

Overthrow me, Mr. President, and the Americas and humanity will respond. …

You will never rule us. You’re opposed to the warrior who rode our lands, shouting freedom, whose name is (Simon) Bolívar. … I am informed that you impose a 50% tariff on the fruits of our human labor to enter the United States, and I do the same.

Let our people plant corn that was discovered in Colombia and feed the world.

Despite the bluster and bravado, Petro surrendered quickly. That’s likely because he remembered the almost $400 million American taxpayers handed Colombia in fiscal 2023.

By the time Trump reached the eighth hole, former Trump aide Jenna Ellis reported, Petro had surrendered.

“Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump’s terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States,” the White House announced.

Said Colombia’s foreign minister, Luis Gilberto Murillo:

We have overcome the impasse with the United States government. We will continue to receive Colombians who return as deportees, guaranteeing them decent conditions as citizens subject to rights.

Rubio, Johnson: Third World Will Take Back Illegals Or Else

After Trump put Petro in his place, GOP Secretary of State Marco Rubio and U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) sent a message to Third World states that have dumped millions of rapists, murderers, and penniless illiterates in the United States: Biden is back in Delaware eating Graeter’s chocolate chip ice cream watching Matlock and Murder, She Wrote reruns. Trump’s in charge now.

Trump made clear that “America will no longer be lied to nor taken advantage of,” Rubio wrote on X. “It is the responsibility of each nation to take back their citizens who are illegally present in the United States in a serious and expeditious manner.”

Wrote Johnson:

Colombia and all nations should be on notice — Congress is fully prepared to pass sanctions and other measures against those that do not fully cooperate or follow through on requirements to accept their citizens who are illegally in the United States. 

President Trump is putting America first, just like he said he would. And Congress will implement policies that reinforce his agenda.

Petro’s Past

For his part, Petro — widely believed to have had an affair with a “trans” woman — had his interesting past resurrected on X.

In July, he was spotted in Panama on the arm of Colombia’s first “transgender” television reporter, “Linda” Yepes. The big galoot and Petro held hands as they walked down the street.

A married man, Petro didn’t deny the affair, but instead raged on X, as he did with Trump.

“I have always considered privacy to be the ‘last ratio’ of freedom, the last trench of being free, and I will maintain this principle until I write about myself or die,” he wrote:

But these thousands of transphobic messages that have exploded in the hands of a right-wing society, deeply exclusionary, ignorant and discriminatory, must be rejected by the president. …

I am heterosexual, but you will never hear or read a transphobic word from me. Because not only would I cease to be a man, but a human being.