With the election of Donald Trump, many Americans are hopeful that so-called wokeness will go the way of the dodo. Yet as recent warnings inform, such cultural change requires, well, a change in the culture (not just the politics). And perhaps helpful in this regard is considering what happens when a civilization continues down the rabbit hole of relativism. We have many such examples, too — they’re called foreign countries.
First up is Canada, which, as Trump quipped recently, might benefit from becoming our 51st state. This is especially true since the nation’s Velvet Mafia can apparently make you an offer you can’t refuse. As One America News reports:
A town in Canada is now facing a $10,000 fine for refusing to participate in Pride Month or fly the LGBTQIA+ flag at its municipal building.
According to a report by the National Post, The town of Emo, Ontario was found to have violated the Ontario Human Rights Code by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario for refusing to proclaim June as Pride Month.
The town was also cited for failing to fly “an LGBTQ2 rainbow flag,” despite the fact that Emo does not have an official flag pole.
In addition to the $10,000 fine, town officials were ordered to take mandatory “human rights” training.
So it’s not enough that the town is Emo; it has to be queer, too. But, hey, this is the same country that changed its national anthem in 2018 to make it “gender neutral.” Having the word “sons” in it was quite intolerable. (But don’t worry, guys, there’s still something reserved just for you in Canada — draft registration!)
Britannia Rules the Slaves
Aside from the food and sunny weather, there’s just so much to love about today’s United Kingdom. There were the Muslim (pardon me, “Asian,” as the Brit media say) rape gangs benefiting from a three-monkeys policing double standard. There’s the no doubt soon to be enacted law banning anyone born 2009 or later from ever smoking. There’s the “knife control” (gun control is so yesterday, you know!). There are the children seized from parents for being too fat. (This standard in America would put half of Mississippi in foster care). Then there are the “hate speech” laws, which have recently seen a veteran convicted for silently praying near an abortuary. But now, exploring new frontiers, the Brits are delivering next-level Orwell. As the Daily Mail related last month:
“A nine-year-old child is among the youngsters being probed by police over hate incidents…. Officers recorded incidents against the child, who called a fellow primary school pupil a ‘retard’, and against two schoolgirls who said another student smelled ‘like fish.’ The youngsters were among multiple cases of children being recorded as having committed non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs).
Whether or not the student in the second incident above actually did smell like a fish was not reported.
Regarding the first incident, though: nine years old? Why wait so long to correct “hate”? After all, Britain’s National Children’s Bureau issued a warning illustrating early intervention’s importance in 2008 already. As the agency informed then: Toddlers reacting to unfamiliar foreign food with “Yuk!” may be guilty of a “racist” act.
Old Zeal in New Zealand
First Canada, then Britain, and now New Zealand; there just must be something about the Anglosphere. Now, Kiwi land already had Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a “wokester fanatic” known for “gun-grabbing, China-kowtowing, sneeriness at conservatives, softness on crime, and draconian COVID lockdowns,” as a commentator put it in 2023. The nation also just lost its first naval ship since WWII, the $100-million HMNZS Manawanui. The vessel met its demise in a battle with a coral reef near Samoa in October due to “human error.” It surely was a coincidence, too, that the captain was a lesbian DEI hire. But at least NZ’s military is a serious organization, as the below video evidences.
As related above, that’s the native Māori’s Haka dance (and you probably thought our “land acknowledgments” took the cake). It would inspire passion in primitive Māori warriors prior to campaigns such as, for example, the Moriori genocide. But that was in the 1800s. Here’s NZ’s youngest parliamentarian doing it before a speech in September:
This brings us to true white privilege. My ancient pagan ancestors, millennia ago, also assuredly embraced bizarre rituals. But my more recent ancestors were privileged enough to have had them purged from their culture long before multiculturalists were around to tell them how unjust it is to not embarrass yourself exhibiting atavistic cultural traits.
This phenomenon also reflects godlessness. When your identity isn’t “child of God,” you seek an identity in the worldly. And these Māori have been convinced they’re victims of Western culture, so they rebel against it with selective primitivism.
For convenience is their real tradition. After all, they still do like Western marvels such as cars, computers, supermarkets, modern healthcare, metallurgy, and a written language.
Stockholm Syndrome
This article wouldn’t be complete without Sweden, which deserves a (dis)honorable mention. Long a leader in political correctness, the nation’s Left Party (its actual name) proposed a “Man Tax” back in 2004. This was as it sounds: a special levy, on men, designed to compensate society for the cost of “male violence.” I always say that I’ll be happy to pay my man tax, too. That is, as long as I also get royalties for all of history’s male-birthed, often life-saving inventions and innovations.
That this includes the toilet brings us to the next story. More than a generation ago, feminists in Sweden (Germany and Australia, too) adopted a new cause:
Compelling men and boys to sit down while urinating.
What’s more, these feminists did succeed in getting the urinals removed from a Swedish elementary school. The issue? They claimed that the typical way men tend to a nature call is symbolic of their “triumphing in their masculinity.”
And this is why men must stand up, not just in the restroom, but for tradition and against the cultural devolutionaries. For preserving civilization is not just an Election Day affair — it’s a never-ending battle against those who despise the good.