Canadians who wish to travel by air, train, or cruise ship, or who work for the federal government, will be forced to accept one of the COVID-19 vaccines in the very near future, the Canadian government announced Friday.
“As soon as possible in the fall and no later than the end of October, the government of Canada will require employees in the federally regulated air, rail, and marine transportation sectors to be vaccinated,” said Transport Minister Omar Alghabra. “In addition, the vaccination requirement will also extend to certain travelers. This includes all commercial air travelers, passengers on interprovincial trains, and passengers on large marine vessels with overnight accommodations such as cruise ships.”
Thus did the regime of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau conscript practically all Canadians into serving as guinea pigs in a global vaccine experiment. Otherwise, they “will be segregated and denied a normal existence,” interim president of the Alberta-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) Lisa Bildy told LifeSiteNews.
Trudeau’s government is also mandating vaccinations for all federal employees, and they “expect that Crown corporations and other employers in the federally regulated sector will also require vaccination for their employees,” Alghabra announced.
Even those with recognized medical reasons for opting out of the vaccines won’t get a pass. For those individuals, Alghabra said, there will be “accommodation or alternative measures such as testing and screening,” though these may vary from one situation to another.
A spokesman for Transport Canada, the agency that regulates Canadian travel, told LifeSiteNews the vaccines will be required for all commercial air travelers “regardless of destination” because “the Government of Canada must play a role in setting a good example.” (A good example of what? Tyranny?)
He also said children under 12 will not be required to get the jab, but that is because they “are currently not eligible to be vaccinated.” Who doubts that once they become eligible, the mandate will apply to them, too?
None of this should come as a surprise. Canada has been particularly harsh in its lockdowns and other coronavirus crackdowns, and Trudeau announced in June that the government would be instituting a “national certification of vaccination status,” though it was supposedly only for international travel.
Canadians who value their liberties are certainly not surprised.
“This is what civil liberties advocates like me were deeply concerned about even in the spring of 2020 when lockdown policies were first imposed. Any student of history with both eyes open could have seen then that mandatory vaccinations were coming,” Canadian civil-liberties attorney James Kitchen told LifeSiteNews. “But few listened and governments emphatically said they would never coerce people to be jabbed and anyone who said otherwise were called ‘conspiracy theorists.’ The [Canadian] Charter [of Rights and Freedoms] was put in place to prevent precisely this type of tyranny and oppression—the type where the state will not let you work or travel unless you sacrifice your bodily autonomy and expose yourself to unnecessary risk of harm.”
JCCF’s Bildy said the new vaccine mandate is what a “totalitarian society looks like.” People who refuse the vaccines “will be vilified in the media and by government, ostracized by society, and ultimately persecuted. Those who defend them will be censored, silenced, and punished.”
A number of politicians also expressed opposition to the move. Among them were Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) David Yurdiga, who called it “tyrannical,” and independent MP Derek Sloan, who declared the policy “ushers in a new age of segregation and medical apartheid in Canada” and “must be rejected.”
While the U.S. government has thus far not been as overbearing as Canada’s during the COVID-19 era, Americans should not let themselves be lulled into a false sense of security. The Associated Press reported Friday that the Biden administration is considering “mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19” but has refrained from doing so only because it “worried” that such measures “would be too polarizing at this time.”
“That’s not to say they won’t be implemented in the future,” added the AP, “as public opinion continues to shift toward requiring vaccinations as a means to restore normalcy.”