High Stakes Vote in Chile’s Dec. 19 Election
Presidential candidates Gabriel Boric (left) and José Antonio Kast (right). (AP Images)
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Santiago, Chile — On Sunday, December 19, Chileans are going to vote in their runoff election for one of two presidential candidates: Gabriel Boric or José Antonio Kast. The stakes could hardly be higher. If one candidate is elected, the Chilean revolution, which was prepared and implemented step by step by the Foro de Sao Paulo (the transnational, Latin American Communist coordinating group, now known as the Grupo de Puebla), and which has accelerated since the subversive riots of October 2019, will seize political and military power. If the other candidate prevails, Chile will have a leader who could help the nation slowly shake off the yoke of Communist domination.

This event is relevant for Americans for many reasons, one of them being the strong similarity in tactics between the long-term subversion of the United States (including the recent Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots) on the one hand, and the Chilean path to revolution on the other. The patriots of the North can and should take warning by observing how Chile, one of the most prosperous and secure countries of South America, is being dragged into the pit of radical destruction.

Gabriel Boric represents the revolution. He is ostensibly supported by Frente Amplio, a coalition of Marxist and anarchist groups, and really by the Chilean Communist Party. He is also supported officially by the Socialist Party, the Partido de la Revolución Democrática, and the Partido Radical. Many Christian Democratic leaders have expressed their support to Boric as well. This support is, of course, the result of a patient, decades-long infiltration of the Catholic Church by the Communists.

The other candidate, José Antonio Kast, has formed his own political party, Partido Republicano, and is now supported by Unión Democrática IndependienteRenovación Nacional and Evopoli.[1]

I will delineate a sketch of the two candidates and what they mean for Chile in the present context.

Boric is a young (35 years old) and authentic Marxist revolutionary. He was one of the student leaders during the student movement of 2011-2012. This is how he became a nationally important political figure. That movement pushed for, and ended in, the suppression of the system of subsidized schools (similar to the charter school program United States) and of university autonomy. These, of course, are classic Marxist goals. Chávez, for example, sought the same ends in Venezuela in 2000-2002 but failed due to the resistance of professors and students.

In 2013 Boric was elected for the first time as a representative in the Chilean Congress. He was reelected in 2017. There he pushed for all radical agendas, including the law of “gender identity,” abortion, homosexual “marriage,” the distribution[2] of the privately owned retirement funds, etc. He also encouraged the revolutionary movement in October of 2019, approved the attacks against the national police, and supports the terrorist violence in the Araucanía. Boric signed the “Agreement for Peace” extorted by violence from the conservative members of Parliament in November 2019, and he is behind the majority force at the Constituent Convention elected in May (to which I will later return). He has also publicly befriended the murderer who assassinated Senator Jaime Guzmán in 1991 and defended that crime.

In his life as a citizen, Boric pushed a deal through which his father sold a piece of land that was worth a little more than 3 million pesos (approx. 4,300 dollars) according to the Income Tax Administration, for the inflated sum of 1,140 million pesos (approx. 1,630,000 dollars). He did it by pressing the government to buy that land in order to build “low income housing.” The pressure consisted in sending Communist activists from Santiago to the southern part of the country to organize “social justice” demonstrations[3]. It should be noted that this kind of behavior is not inconsistent with the Marxist outlook of reality, but rather a sample of the true nature of such a materialist, anti-juridical outlook.

During the presidential campaign, he has demonstrated a very poor mastery of important economic and political aspects of ruling a country. It surprised no one to learn that Boric failed his comprehensive exam to graduate as a lawyer. He has no idea, for example, either of the amount of the nation’s annual budget[4] or of the amount of savings or of the real distribution of wealth[5]. So much so, that his advisors told him to avoid public, non-staged presentations. In that context he was diagnosed “Covid positive” and went into quarantine. His rival has accused him of consuming drugs. He denies this, but in being challenged to do a drug test, he presented one to the media with incredible flaws: The sampling was done during his supposed Covid-quarantine at a time outside the working hours of the lab[6], and the number of the order is said not to exist. Boric has also been accused of sexual harassment by a female co-revolutionist, who has since withdrawn her accusations for the good of the revolution[7].


• Boric will probably appoint Izkia Siches as his Minister of Health. This woman has declared that she wants to implement the “short-circuit” technique to free Chile from the coronavirus. And what is this technique? She wants to lock everybody down absolutely for three weeks, without permits other than for buying “essential goods,” so that the spread is stopped.[8]

• Not surprisingly, there is evidence of the political movement Frente Amplio behind Boric. Frente Amplio is being funded by the Open Society Foundations.[9]

• It is evident that he has almost total support from the mainstream media.

José Antonio Kast, on the other hand, is a middle-aged family man (55 years old), with nine children. He consistently has sided with law and order during the last years of unrest. He has promised to bring peace back to the Araucanía, where terrorist groups kill, threaten, and rob with impunity; and in the North, where drug dealing mobs threaten to destabilize the region. He also promised to bring law to and punish crime in poor neighborhoods. No wonder that he won in the first round of the election in 90 percent of the poorer Chilean neighborhoods.

Kast has spoken out against the radical gender ideology of the globalists, and this has earned him the tag of “Nazi” by the media. He has also come out against lockdowns and strong restrictions for the unvaccinated. On this point he is very measured, since he states that in the beginning we did not exactly know the nature and magnitude of the problem and how to react, but we have learned very much during these months of experience. In order to win the runoff election, he has yielded regarding both gender ideology and the Covid tyranny to the political parties other than his own in order to gain their support. However, he is the only man in Chile who gives us hope of a having rational debate concerning gender ideology and the medical tyranny.

Sketching the profile of both candidates allows us then to understand that the most relevant difference Sunday’s election will make for Chile’s future has to do with the Constituent Convention/Constitutional Convention elected in May. This Convention is a sort of Congress whose legal work is to write a new Constitution for Chile. Once written, the new Constitution has to be submitted to the approval of the people in referendum.

In its deliberations and workings, the Convention is subject in theory to strict rules and cannot interfere with the other Powers of the State (Chapter XV of the Constitution[10]). However, it has declared itself in rebellion against those rules and has stated that it has an “originary,” sovereign, constituent power (see, for example, Article 1 of the Reglamento de la Convención[11]). In the jargon of the revolutionaries this means: (1) The Convention is not subject to any rule (juridical, moral, traditional, natural or religious); (2) It has authority over and above the other Powers of the State; and (3) it must Re-found Chile by suppressing even its character as a republic. Yes, my reader, you are reading that right: The Convention has stated that Chile must cease to be a republic! This means that the rebellion of the Convention threatens, if unchecked, to consummate the destruction of the State of Chile in a way similar to that in which the Constituent Assembly pushed in 2000 for the destruction of the State of Venezuela — by dissolving the Congress, the Supreme Court, and any other public or private body that posed a threat to the revolution and did not have sufficient power to resist by force the revolutionary thugs and hosts.

Up to now, sadly, the rebellion has gone unchecked by the courts because they do not have the military and police power to enforce a call for respecting the Constitution. President Sebastián Piñera, who has that power, seems either to side with the revolution or lack the courage to stop it. Thus, the fate of Chile will be decided in the election.

If Gabriel Boric wins the election, the forces of chaos, destruction, and evil will suppress Chile through the “sovereign, originary constituent power” of the Constituent Convention/Constitutional Convention, composed in its majority of Boric’s co-revolutionists and even co-members of Frente Amplio. On the other hand, if José Antonio Kast wins, the republic of Chile can start a long fight to preserve its existence by checking the rebellion of the Constituent Convention/Constitutional Convention through the use of the courts’ authority seconded by police and military force.

The majority of Chileans seem to realize what is at stake and will most likely vote for José Antonio Kast. But the mainstream media, the main polling firms, and international financiers, along with the Chinese Communist Party and a host of traitors (the Chilean Communists), are preparing to win the election at any cost. We, on the other hand, are getting ready to stop fraud by flooding the voting centers with poll watchers. We see it coming this Sunday, whether we are able to prevent it or not.

Dr. Carlos Casanova is a Professor of Law at the Pontifical University of Chile in Santiago. He has taught philosophy and law at other universities in Chile, as well as universities in the United States and Venezuela.


[1] https://www.duna.cl/noticias/2021/11/24/boric-vs-kast-quienes-han-entregado-su-apoyo-y-quienes-faltan-por-definirse-para-la-segunda-vuelta/

[2] https://chile.as.com/chile/2020/10/28/actualidad/1603895508_706830.html

[3] https://ellibero.cl/actualidad/el-rol-que-jugo-boric-pocos-meses-antes-de-la-millonaria-venta-de-terrenos-de-su-padre-en-punta-arenas/

[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPs2naVhlAg

[5] https://www.ex-ante.cl/nuevo-error-de-boric-en-cifras-profundiza-criticas-por-su-manejo-economico/

[6] https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/12/13/la-molestia-de-boric-ante-preguntas-por-test-de-drogas-pueden-pedir-una-declaracion-al-hospital.shtml

[7] https://www.latercera.com/nacional/noticia/lo-que-tienes-que-saber-este-lunes-en-la-tercera-joven-que-denuncio-a-boric-por-acoso-acuso-un-aprovechamiento-inescrupuloso-de-kast/K4GTQ22VPZHKVFPTTCPFJJKWC4/

[8] https://radio.uchile.cl/2021/06/14/colmed-propone-un-cortocircuito-epidemico-para-frenar-el-avance-de-la-pandemia-en-chile/

[9] https://soberaniaoccidental.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/quien-es-george-soros-sus-tentaculos-en-chile-y-el-mundo/, https://www.rengoenlanoticia.cl/not/2020/02/02/los-hijos-de-soros/

[10] https://www.camara.cl/camara/doc/leyes_normas/constitucion.pdf

[11] https://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl/publicaciones/2021/10/13/43076/01/2024421.pdf