BRUSSELS — Anti-globalist European forces are attempting to replicate the political dominance of Donald Trump’s MAGA movement. At the Make Europe Great Again (MEGA) international conference at the European Parliament, over 500 politicians, staffers, and NGOs gathered for a two-day event to game-plan how to “red pill” all of Europe. Organized by the European Conservatives and Reformist Party (ECR) and the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), the event was the second annual gathering. Attendees seek to unify Europeans who want to see an end to mass migration, socialism, green-deal climate-scam policies, and endless wars.
George Simion, a Romanian parliamentarian, president of the AUR, and executive vice president of the ECR, told The New American:
It is a wave. We are trying to go from MAGA to MEGA. We should seize the momentum; we should act now because the globalists are frightened.
As the name of the conference conveys, Donald Trump’s political worldview is paramount to the movement. Many attendees told The New American that their various countries are warming up to the populist uprising led by Trump. They said the moment has arrived to unify around his leadership in Europe and do away with politics as usual.
Bringing Back Faith
Banners littered across the event read, “Defending Western values in the European Parliament.” Speakers repeatedly defined and articulated those Western values solely as principles derived from the biblical Christian worldview. Simion, the leader of MEGA, told The New American:
We cannot do anything without God. We have four pillars at the basis of our party: nation, family — composed of a man and a woman, faith — Christian faith, … and of course freedom.
“We must follow the words of God and of our Bible,” he added.
Accordingly, many speakers offered history lessons on the influence of Christendom in Europe. They noted how fundamental societal constructs such as family, nations, and marriage being between a man and woman are biblical principles. With mass migration compromising many Europeans’ cultures and religious practices, speakers said, returning to the Christian faith is a high priority.
Globalism Out, Nationalism In
In step with President Trump’s “America First” nationalism, MEGA brought its own flavor of nationalism. Speakers and attendees often labeled it “sovereigntism.” This writer observed a variety of opinions on how to handle the rise of globalism. But there was one consistent thread among the proposed solutions: Decentralization from the United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU).
Opinions on how to accomplish that decentralization ranged from abolishing the UN and EU altogether to reform measures. One Australian parliamentarian summed up part of the group’s concerns by saying international bodies are prone to “mission creep,” as time naturally corrupts an entity’s original mission. However, debates took place in hallways and corridors regarding the good or evil behind the original visions of the UN and EU.
The John Birch Society has been exposing for decades how the UN and EU were instituted with the specific purpose of eroding national sovereignty and individual liberty as a part of a global conspiracy. Not all participants at MEGA saw “multilateral” groups as part of a conspiracy. However, there appeared to be the beginning of an awakening of the nature and methods of the EU and UN. This was a positive upgrade from previous political norms.
Among the American voices at MEGA was Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA technology and critic of the Covid-19 shots and lockdowns. He told The New American, “The European Union, as it currently exists, is overextended, and it is counterproductive.” Malone said that “it needs to be reformed,” however, rather than abolished.
European Critics
One voice that has consistently exposed the EU for its globalist and anti-democratic ways is Christine Anderson. A member of the EU Parliament (MEP) and a key leader in Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, which has received praise from Elon Musk, Anderson told The New American:
So, they [European nations] are relinquishing their sovereignty in part to, you know, these institutions. And that is actually of great concern because the EU institutions, they are not only undemocratic, but they’re also downright anti-democratic.
David Campbell Bannerman, a former MEP from England, brilliantly exposed the Chinese influence behind globalist institutions. In an address delivered to MEGA leaders, Bannerman exposed World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab’s vision for the Chinese Communist Party to be the “role model for many countries” in the New World Order:
This is like a fork in the road. Either we go down this WEF Chinese model and do it that way, and that’s communism, and we lose our rights and freedoms … or we do it the American way; we do it the Trump way.
He continued:
[O]ne of my key arguments for leaving the European Union (and I was a prominent Brexit member of the European Parliament) was because the EU is not democratic and overrides national sovereignty, and it overrides the nation-state.… There’s too much Chinese influence.
Hope in Youth to Make Europe Great Again
Youth were ever present at MEGA, participating in panels and question-and-answer sessions and as general observers. This writer spoke to a young man from London named Nicholas Lissack. He was attending MEGA to learn more about the success of Trump’s MAGA movement and how he could use online media platforms to influence youth in the U.K. to get engaged.
When asked about globalism in the West, Lissack shared:
I think the second Trump administration really needs to place an emphasis on nationalism and populism and breaking up this neoliberal globalist establishment that’s based here in Brussels. Europe will not thrive, and European countries will not regain proper sovereignty, until the European Union is a thing of the past.
Lissack has cultivated a large social-media following, encouraging youth in the U.K. to push back against the globalism, tyranny, and mass-migration policies that have infected the country.
A Message of Hope to the West
The MEGA conference ended with a call to action for a global, organized, grassroots response to the one-world-government conspiracy. Opined Simion when closing out the event:
We must be united, because in unity is our strength. If we fight alone, if we do not have allies and partners, we will be decimated.
The number of allies in the United States to help save Europe from totalitarian control is growing. Elon Musk posted on X after the event: “People of Europe: Join the MEGA movement! Make Europe Great Again!!”
The third installment of the Make Europe Great Again conference is set to take place next year. Organizers plan to hold it in multiple European countries, in an attempt to expand the movement.