Ukrainian TV Personality Calls for Genocide of Russian Children, Quotes Adolf Eichmann in Unhinged Rant
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In a stunning display of what appears to be ethnic nationalism gone amok, a Ukrainian television personality seemingly called for the genocide of Russian children and even said he was willing to take part in the killings. To make things worse, Ukrainian TV host Fahruddin Sharafmal, a host for Ukrainian Channel 24 also quoted actual Nazi Adolf Eichmann — one of the architects of the Holocaust — in his televised rant.

Sharafmal appears to have made the controversial remarks on Sunday during a segment on Channel 24. As of this writing, the video can still be seen here.

Some have questioned the authenticity of the clip, calling it misinformation.

“I know that as a journalist, I have to be objective, I have to be balanced, in order to report information to you with a cold heart, but to tell you the truth, it’s very hard to hold on now, especially at a time like this, and since we are called Nazis, fascists, and so on in Russia — I will allow myself to quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, children. Because if you kill their parents, the children will grow up and take revenge. By killing children — they will never grow up and the nation will disappear,” Sharafmal began.

Sharafmal stated that the Ukrainian military wouldn’t be allowed to commit such a vile act, since it was against the Geneva Convention and other rules of war, but that he personally had no problem taking the action.

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot kill Russian children because it is forbidden by the rules of war, and it is prohibited by various conventions, including the Geneva Convention,” Sharafmal said. “But I am not from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And when I get the chance to take out the Russians, I will definitely do it.”

Sharafmal went on: “Since you call me a Nazi, I will adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth.”

Sharafmal doesn’t want to hear about the average Russian citizen who might not have wanted this war such as Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at Russia’s Channel 1, who was arrested after holding up a sign behind an anchor who was live on the air. The sign read: “No war,” and suggested that the Russian citizens were being lied to by their government. The sign also said “Russians against war.”

Such things don’t matter to Sharafmal, who told Russian citizens, “When you say, ‘we didn’t start the war, it was Putin, we didn’t want this war.’ We didn’t want it either. But you have to understand that it’s about the victory of the Ukrainian people, not about peace. We need victory. And if we have to slaughter all your families to do it — I’ll be one of the first to do it.”

“Glory to the nation!” Sharafmal concluded. “And hope that there will never be such a nation as Russia and the Russians on this earth again. Because they are just scum who are destroying this land. If the Ukrainians have the opportunity, which they are basically doing right now, to destroy, to slaughter, to kill, to strangle the Muscovites. And I hope that everyone contributes and whacks at least one Moskal.”

The term “Moskal” is considered an ethnic slur to Russians.

Channel 24 is controlled by Kateryna Kit-Sadova, the wife of Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi. Lviv is the largest city in western Ukraine. Sadovyi has been actively calling for NATO to create and administer a No-fly Zone over Ukraine and has publicly called for foreign governments such as the United Kingdom to seize the assets of Russian oligarchs and to house refugees from the war in the foreign homes of those oligarchs.

All things being equal, the tone and the over-the-top language of Sharafmal’s rant almost suggests it might be a Russian psyop in the vein of noted Soviet propagandist Sergei Eisenstien. The entire vicious rant seems to echo his great propaganda film Alexander Nevski with its portrayal of Teutonic Knights throwing a baby onto a fire. Sharafmal’s vile rant almost seems meant to turn the tide of public opinion against Ukrainians.