While the citizens of Ukraine are defending their nation against a Russian onslaught, Richard Moore, the head of the British intelligence agency known as MI6, delivered remarks on Twitter meant to rouse those fighting against the Russian horde. Instead of urging support for Ukraine using concepts such as freedom, patriotism, and maintaining one’s own way of life, Moore chose a topic not often discussed in great patriotic wars of the past — LGBTQ rights.
Moore — pronouns he/him, according to his Twitter bio — couldn’t help but somehow link the Ukraine war to LGBT History Month, which occurs in February in the U.K. On Friday Moore tweeted, “With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022.”
Moore went on to share MI6 employee “P’s” delight that MI6 included groups for the LGBT community.
“Introducing P: ‘I had to move for the job when I joined #MI6, so I was relieved to find out there was an LGBT+ network group. Through the group I’ve made some great friends in the office, and it’s reassuring to know it’s there for support if I need it.” Moore wrote.
So, rather than using social media to inform citizens about the situation in Ukraine, the United Kingdom’s top spy instead chose to virtue signal about how well his agency was serving the LGBTQ community.
Moore faced backlash for his complete tone-deafness on what is going on in the world.
“Is this supposed to motivate Ukrainian nationalists or demoralize them?” asked Chris Menahan of Information Liberation.
A self-described transgendered person took Moore to task for his cluelessness: “I’m trans. At this moment I want nothing more than to celebrate our shared humanity and show solidarity with the brave men, women and children of Ukraine. Please stop being so utterly self-indulgent,” the user wrote.
Another user — Toni Roche-Simmons — was equally blunt: “So the fact that thousands of people have been displaced, hiding in underground tunnels frightened for their lives, getting killed by Putin’s army doesn’t matter? As long as we celebrate LGBTQ month? Is that right? Human lives are at stake in the Ukraine.”
Moore is not alone in his acquiescence to LGBTQ culture. On the day the Russians moved into Ukraine, no less than the U.K’s Ministry of Defense joined in on the LGBTQ virtue-signaling.
In a now-deleted tweet, the account MOD LGBT Network tweeted happily about their “coffee morning.” While Ukrainians were dodging missiles, a portion of the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense was chirping cheerfully: “Today, for #lgbthistorymonth we hosted a coffee morning in main building which had a great turnout.” The tweet went on to discuss an afternoon seminar on LGBTQ books and give the definitions of the terms Asexual and Pansexual.
At least the MOD LGBT Network account had the good grace to delete the tweet.
In a world where the Russian military is on high alert — including its nuclear arsenal — we see Western politicians, intelligence agencies, and even militaries so thoroughly cowed by LGBTQ advocacy groups that their virtue-signaling can’t be stopped even in a time of war.
The Times in England recently reported that MI6 spies have been warned by their superiors to consider their “white privilege” and to refrain from using terms such as “manpower” in an effort to improve the agency’s “diversity and inclusion.”
At this time, shouldn’t agencies such as MI6, the CIA, or whomever be more focused on what’s happening with world events such the war in Ukraine rather than if everyone’s feelings have been properly taken into account?