French Left Blocks Le Pen’s Patriotic National Rally
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The radical left stopped France’s patriotic National Rally Party in Sunday’s second parliamentary election, but no party now holds a majority of seats in the legislative body.

One of those elected as part of the leftist New Popular Front is an Antifa goon whose goon comrades are suspected in a recent, brutal attack on a Jewish boy. 

Leftist rioters rampaged through the streets of Paris after Le’s Pen’s National Rally won the first round of elections on June 30. They rioted again when moderates and so-called conservatives rallied with leftists to arrange the National Rally’s defeat.

The Election

The kook left prevailed after “tactical voting in Sunday’s second round election thwarted Marine Le Pen’s far-right party, but France will be left in political limbo after no party came close to winning an absolute majority,” CNN reported:

In a surprise result, the New Popular Front (NFP) — a cluster of several parties ranging from the far-left France Unbowed party to the more moderate Socialists and the Ecologists — won 182 seats in the National Assembly, making it the largest group but short of the 289 required for an absolute majority, according to the French Interior Ministry.

President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Ensemble alliance, which had slumped to a dismal third in the first round of voting last Sunday, mounted a strong recovery to win 163 seats. Despite leading after the first round of votes, Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) party and its allies won 143 seats.

The RN’s strong showing in the first round stirred fears that France could be on the cusp of electing its first far-right government since the collaborationist Vichy regime of World War II. But Sunday’s results come as a huge upset and show French voters’ overwhelming desire to keep the far right from gaining power — even at the cost of a hung parliament.

That isn’t necessarily true, the GRIPT website reported

For one thing, the leftist victory was only possible because French President Emanuel Macron’s Ensemble Party formed an “alliance” with a “rag tag of basically incompatible extremists and centrists of the Left.”

Such a coalition cannot govern. And GRIPT explained just how disparate politically the “alliance” is. For one thing, the French working class strongly supports Le Pen’s increasingly popular RN. For another, in the southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, Le Pen’s party has 30 of 42 seats. That area was once solid red, which in France means hard left. The left no longer controls the area. RN won the last seat the Communist Party held.

Continued GRIPT:

The impossibility of the NFP forming a stable government is underlined not only by the fact that its sole common ground with Macron was stopping RN but by its own internal divisions. Of its 182 seats, 74 are going to members of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France Insoumise which claims to be devoted to “Eco-socialism,” similar to People Before Profit. 

The other main component of the NFP is the Socialist Party which won 59 seats.  It is a member of the European socialist group of which its Irish equivalents are the Labour Party and Social Democrats. The Greens have 28 seats and the Communist Party has 9 seats. The other 12 NFP seats went to Generation-S which took 5 and is devoted to the more Pollyanna aspects of infantile leftism such as legalising weed; 5 to members of leftie micro groups and 2 to regionalists. 

In other words, the radical left didn’t take control of the parliament. It merely stopped the RN from doing so.

Security Threat Elected

One of the newly elected members of the parliament is one Raphaël Arnault, a crackpot leftist and Antifa thug.

“The spokesman of the Lyon Antifa collective Jeune Garde Antifasciste (Young Antifascist Guard) in Lyon, Raphaël Arnault will represent the first constituency of Vaucluse in Provence in the French parliament after beating out populist National Rally candidate Catherine Jaouen with 54.98 per cent of the vote in Sunday’s second round of legislative elections,” Breitbart explained, citing Le Figaro.

Arnault has an “S-file” with the General Directorate for Internal Security, meaning he’s a dangerous individual and national security threat. On June 27, eight members of Arnault’s violent Antifa gang were indicted for attacking the Jewish kid, Breitbart reported:

Arnoult has also been accused of a “violent attack” by a young right-wing activist, who alleged that Arnault and another member of the Young Antifascist Guard “beat” him with a helmet.

Violence and ambush attacks against the unsuspecting is an Antifa speciality.

As is rioting.

Although leftists celebrated keeping Le Pen from gaining power, they also surged through the streets of Paris and set fires.

Nationwide, 30,000 police were deployed, the Daily Mail reported.