Czech Minister Wants United States of Europe
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A Czech minister recently vocalized the ambition that globalist foreign-policy planners have been advocating, both openly and quietly, for decades: the creation of a federal European state analogous to the United States of America.

The comment was made by Czech Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvorak in an interview with on Tuesday.

While Dvorak admitted that the idea of essentially creating a United States of Europe is “not at all popular,” he nonetheless insisted that the establishment of a “European Federation” is the only way to make Europe “a truly equal partner in the game between China, America, or Russia and India.”

While political scientists generally consider the EU to be an informal confederation of sovereign states, Dvorak wants the member-nations of the bloc to become beholden to a centralized government.

“I think that the debate in our country lacks the Euro-optimistic or Euro-positive wing, and that is what I want to bring to the debate,” the Czech minister said. Not surprisingly, Dvorak is known as a critic of euroskepticism in his country, which joined the EU in 2004.

Talking about EU reforms during his interview, Dvorak said he supports the elimination of member countries’ ability to veto policies in some areas.

“If I define myself as a federalist, then this would undoubtedly be a possible option for me, but, on the other hand, I am very well aware that the political situation is not ripe for that yet. I don’t even know at this point if it ever will,” said Dvorak.

The Czech minister is unlikely to see his dreams come to fruition soon. Last week, the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CVVM) released a poll revealing that trust in the European Union, United Nations, and NATO had fallen significantly among the people of the Czech Republic over the last year, possibly as a result of the migrant crisis the country is facing.

The New American explained that the European Union, sold to the public under the guise of promoting “free trade,” was promoted by the Deep State for the purpose of spreading socialism, eroding the national sovereignty of European nations, and paving the way for an eventual similar merger between the United States and Europe. 

As we noted,

There can be no doubt that top U.S. globalists worked to unite Europe under a single government. In fact, the evidence is all over the congressional record. The role of the CIA and its predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), is also indisputable at this point. As highlighted again in the Telegraph report and elsewhere, official documents from the agencies, declassified in recent decades, show that the shadowy “intelligence” outfits pumped vast amounts of money and resources into the creation of the European federalist movement across the 1950s and 1960s.

One 1950 declassified memorandum, signed by General William Donovan, the former head of the OSS, even details the plot, as well as instructions on imposing a “European Parliament” on the formerly sovereign nations and peoples of Europe. Today, the rubber-stamp pseudo-Parliament is a reality. Indeed, despite the wishes of Europeans as expressed in numerous referendums, the superstate just keeps usurping more and more power, with a bogus fig-leaf of public accountability provided by the Soviet-style “Parliament” that does not even create legislation.   

The end goal is the creation of a world government. To reach this goal, globalists have also long been advocating for a North American Union in the mold of the European Union. 

Under the presidency of George W. Bush, this union came dangerously close to becoming a reality with the proposed Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), which adopted many ideas from a North American merger blueprint created by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The CFR’s proposal included the harmonization of visa requirements; the development of a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers, which is observable today in the form of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative-compliant passport card and enhanced driver’s licenses for land and sea travel within North America; sharing data about the entry and exit of foreign nationals; harmonizing entry screening and tracking procedures for people, goods, and vessels; law-enforcement cooperation across all three countries; enhancing the current North American Development Bank; and the establishment of a North American Investment Fund to “encourage private capital flow into Mexico.”

SPP was eventually killed, in part, due to the awareness raised by organizations such as the John Birch Society.

The advocates of the North American Union wanted to bring it about by using the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as a foundation. NAFTA was killed under President Donald Trump.

However, NAFTA’s replacement, the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), not only preserves many of the globalist features of NAFTA, but adds to it.

“Big business may be backing it, but so is big government,” said Bill Hahn, CEO of The John Birch Society. “Big government likes it because USMCA [adds] even more layers of unaccountable bureaucracy — enough to trap Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians into a style of government resembling the European Union.”