On Tuesday, October 2, 2012, the Fox Valley Conservative Forum, which meets regularly for a luncheon on Tuesdays in Appleton, Wisconsin, hosted a talk by South African Sonia Hruska (pictured). Hruska, who now lives in the United States, discussed the ongoing genocide against white people in her country under the largely communist-controlled ANC government of Jacob Zuma.
Born in Victoria, South Africa, to a nontraditional Afrikaner family, with a right-wing father and a left-wing mother, Hruska would go on to work in politics as a consultant in the presidential administration of Nelson Mandela from 1994 to 2001. “I was the coordinator between the different spheres of government, civil society and state organizations, to actually implement the new government policies,” Hruska said.
As an early supporter of Mandela and the dream of a rainbow South Africa, Hruska truly believed in establishing a country where, regardless of the color of one’s skin or ethnicity, one could live in harmony and equality. Unfortunately, as she described, the opposite came true.
“After about six years,” Hruska said, “I realized something serious is wrong; the communist elements are taking over, it’s not what we were promised.” She explained the change that followed:
Whites were getting excluded through affirmative action and black economic empowerment. And at the same time, the Chinese got black status; so the whites were excluded and the Chinese were included under affirmative action as black. We now find that a white is not allowed to enter, for instance, into management, but a Chinese person may buy a mine or buy shares in a mine, and the same [is true] with banks.
As a business owner, I can get 25 years in jail time if I do employ a white person, for instance. It is totally ridiculous; you cannot have imagined that affirmative action could have gone so far.
What began as a quest to end the white discriminatory policy of apartheid has transformed into a kind of “reverse racism,” where “whites are now totally excluded from the economic sector,” according to Hruska.
The newly empowered African National Congress (ANC) government has slowly curtailed the rights of whites, and now some black South Africans have gone as far as committing atrocious killings of whites to the point where the situation has been classified as “genocide” by Genocide Watch. Over the last decade, at least 3,000 white farmers have been murdered in South Africa.
A favorite song among the ruling ANC is “Dubula iBhunu,” which means, “kill the farmers.” Former ANC Youth League chief Julius Malema was caught singing, “Kill the Boers! The Racists!” Even South African President Jacob Zuma sings this song to kill the farmers at ANC party functions, despite the song being labeled “hate speech” by a South African court.
“‘Kill the Boer’ is a hate song. ‘Kill the Boer, kill the farmer,’ it’s actually instigating armed groups to carry out these attacks,” Hruska explained.
In a video shown at the Forum, a group of black South Africans were seen chanting:
Kill the Boers — our fathers.
Kill the Boers — young man.
Communist Party — victory.
Joe Slovo — our father.
Communist Party — victory.
Joe Slovo, who was born in Obeliai, Lithuania, was the General-Secretary of the South African Communist Party (SACP) from 1984 to 1991. Slovo also served as the president of the ANC. In 1994 he joined Mandela’s cabinet, serving as minister of housing until he died in 1995. The current leader of the SACP is Blade Nzimande, who also serves in President Zuma’s cabinet as the minister of higher education and training.
In fact, Jacob Zuma originally joined the SACP in 1963, before becoming the leader of the ANC and the current president of South Africa. “[The] ANC is actually communist — we never realized it,” Hruska said.
Even now, Zuma remains a strong supporter of the SACP and the international communist movement. From December 3-5, 2010, the 12th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties was held in Tshwane, South Africa. President Zuma attended and delivered a speech. The Times of South Africa quoted Zuma urging a call for unity among the various official Communist parties in attendance: “A majority of communists part ways because once they believe in something they have a culture to believe in it seriously. Unity is crucial.”
Zuma’s call for Communist Party unity was well received and reechoed amongst the many foreign party delegates present. Following the conference, Zuma left for a visit to Cuba, where he met with Fidel and Raul Castro, the leaders of the Communist Party of Cuba.
The widespread violence and killings in South Africa have led many victims to lose everything and go into hiding, with some living in makeshift shanty dwellings or in the fields by rivers. Out of the nearly four million whites living in South Africa, nearly one million live in economic destitution.
Hruska described how in some cases, young white individuals, especially white females, because of their popularity, have been kidnapped and prostituted as sex slaves. Human trafficking is not illegal in South Africa and many young white teenage girls are drugged and sold for sex across the country.
The police do nothing about this; in fact, in some cases they are involved in the prostitution of those women. “Those who do escape,” Hruska explained, “go into hiding seeing as there is no government assistance for them and because they are too embarrassed to tell their family or friends.”
Although a majority of those murdered, nearly 80 percent, Hruska said, are seniors (over the age of 60), the killers do not discriminate against age. “It’s heinous torture,” Hruska explained. “Even children as young as two months old get burned with hot water, get wrapped in newspaper and burned.”
She continued, “There is no easy way of saying exactly how these people are tortured. The standard would be a hot iron, electric iron, boiling water … and these are carried out for hours.”
In the case of one family, Hruska detailed, the black mob broke into a home and waited for the white family to get home. When they arrived, they took them and raped the mother, in front of the father and son to see, and then once they killed her they killed the father, and finally the son by way of boiling water.
The government denies that such murders are occurring or that they are aimed at the white farmers. Instead they are reported as robberies despite nothing being stolen, Hruska explained. “The murders occur now at a rate of at least one per day,” she said.
After her talk, she stayed for an additional hour speaking to the people and answering questions. Her main message to the world, she told The New American, was, “Acknowledge it. Don’t deny it,” She realizes the difficulty in speaking about this unique situation, especially due to its racial dynamic and the politically-correct state of society.
“You cannot criticize Mandela or the ANC; they are sacred cows,” Hruska explained, but she still does because the truth needs to be told, regardless of how difficult it may be for some to hear or accept. Her main objective is not only to create greater awareness about the genocide but also to help find the victims of rape and economic destitution and provide them with the necessary post-traumatic support and assistance to help them cope with the trauma and either rejoin society, or leave the country if they so desire.
Sadly, much of this has gone unreported in the mainstream media and that which has made press headlines is often heavily sanitized. Hruska plans to continue doing her part to create further awareness and help victims. By the time the world and media acknowledge the atrocities it may be too late for some.
Photo: Sonia Hruska
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