Want to Fight the Cabal? Build Yourself First
Luis Miguel
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

They want to keep you weak.

One of the reasons the conservative, constitutionalist Right has so often failed to progress in the fight for freedom in the way we would like is because so many fail to truly identify what exactly we’re up against.

As Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Far too many conservatives do not know the enemy, and so fall precisely into the pattern Sun Tzu describes — suffering a defeat for every victory, taking two steps back for every step forward.

As I previously wrote, conservatives often fall into the trap of believing that political warfare is merely a contest of ideas, when, in reality, ideas are — like guns and bullets and tanks in kinetic warfare — merely weapons.

In kinetic warfare, the weapons may change. Swords and pikes and cannons become machine guns and bombers. The true enemy is the man wielding the weapons.

Likewise, in political warfare, although ideas and ideologies may change, the true enemy is the individuals promoting the ideas.

The enemy we face is a cabal of wealthy global oligarchs, which includes old dynasties such as the Rothschilds and newer dynasties such as the Rockefeller and Soros clans.

I do not refer to them as “elites” as many do because, frankly, they are not our elites in any way — not spiritually, not physically, not intellectually or morally. But they use their vast inherited wealth and their gaming of a socioeconomic system world order whose rules they themselves largely created in order to keep themselves entrenched in power.

Deceased Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, a mentor of Bill Clinton, was an ally of the cabal, and wrote of its aim in his book Tragedy and Hope:

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

The fight to restore our rightful freedoms, which we are fighting against these totalitarians, is multifaceted, but there is one component that is worthy of greater attention.

We often emphasize the fight taking place in the political and social spheres. But, prior to that, the first dimension on which a man should wage the fight for freedom is in the sphere of the individual.

If you want to stop the globalists, start by building yourself.

Remember, as described above, our enemy is a group of people who are obsessed with power and will desperately do anything to cling to it. And the way they maintain power is by depriving We the People of it. The way they seek to keep themselves strong is by trying to keep us weak — weak physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, financially, and politically.

Just look at everything they push. Everything they promote is designed to keep us sick, unhealthy, out of shape: Junk food, the chemicals in the food, a sedentary lifestyle, trans procedures.

Everything they promote is designed to keep us ignorant: Garbage entertainment, worthless “education,” “hood” culture.

Everything they promote is designed to keep us poor: Consumerism and the credit system that enriches the bankers while keeping us perpetually in debt.

Everything they promote is designed to keep us atomized so that we don’t build relationships or communities with others: Mindless computer games, pornography, abortion, the denigration of the family.

And all the while, these oligarchs continue to buy up all the land, the gold, and everything of true value while they develop the metaverse to keep us docile, passive, and perfectly happy with owning nothing.

You can see, then, that, given the cabal’s goals and priorities, the best way to combat them is to become the exact opposite of what they want us to be. 

They want you poor? Become successful, grow your wealth, and leave a financial inheritance to your children that they can build off of.

They want you weak? Work out. Eat healthy. Learn martial arts and marksmanship.

They want you isolated? Start a family. Make friends. Become a leader in your community.

They want you to be ignorant? Visit your library. Study history. Learn about human nature. 

They want you spiritually bankrupt? Pray. Meditate. Seek God. Discover the fulfillment and strength that only a relationship with the Divine can bring.

The proverbial saying is that a man should get his own house in order before trying to help others.

Every man in this movement would do well to develop himself to his highest potential. Doing so will open the door to discovering solutions to the greatest challenges we face in this battle.