The world is finally starting to hear what we have been saying the whole time.  We were censored and persecuted, but kept standing strong in the truth.  We have massive credibility, while the others lied.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.


  1. Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid
     by Alex Newman January 15, 2021
  2. COVID Shots to “Decimate World Population,” Warns Dr. Bhakdi
     by Alex Newman April 16, 2021
  3. COVID Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Top COVID Doc Peter McCullough
     by Alex Newman April 27, 2021
  4. Vaccine Dangers, Warnings, and Theories From Dr. Merritt, Dr. Madej, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Montagnier, and Dr. Bhakdi
     by Ben Armstrong May 27, 2021
    1 Dr. Lee Merritt discusses vaccine shedding and talks about all the unusual cases of bleeding.
    2 Dr. Lee Merritt talks about when Australia injected mice to reduce the mice population through shedding.
    Dr. Merritt tells a story about a baby dying after breastfeeding.
    Alex Newman Senior Editor at the New American Magazine talks about a secret sterilization effort in Kenya.
    Dr. Peter McCullough says deaths from the vaccine early on were scrubbed.  
    Dr. Carrie Madej on what the vaccine is and how they made it.  
    Dr. Carrie Madej talks about how the vaccine ingredients suggest it will affect fertility.
    Dr. Carrie Madej says there is something she has never ever seen before in the vaccine.
    Dr. Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Prize winner says vaccines facilitate the development of deadlier COVID variants.
    10  Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi says the virus doesn’t disseminate in the blood, but starts in the lungs.
  5. “Government Is Not Being Transparent”: mRNA Technology Inventor Deviates from CDC, Sounds Alarm on Risks of COVID-19 Vaccines
     by Annalisa Pesek June 24, 2021
  6. The Vaccine Enhances The Virus? Dr. Robert Malone Says Worst Case Scenario Has Happened!
     by Ben Armstrong July 29, 2021
  7. Dr. Robert Malone: “This is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World.”
     by Veronika Kyrylenko November 9, 2021
  8. Dr. Tenpenny on the Spiritual Implications of COVID Injections
     by Alex Newman December 7, 2021
  9. Dr. Mike Yeadon Says 90% Of Vaccine Side Effects Came From Less Than 10% of the Batches
     by Ben Armstrong January 10, 2022
  10. My headlines from just May 2022 alone