While at the United Nations’ Summit of the Future in New York City, The New American’s senior editor, Alex Newman, confronted a representative of the Maria Snopes International (MSI) Reproductive Choices organization.

“Essentially, we work with various governments and donors to create programs to make sure that women all over the world actually have access to the healthcare that they need,” Kiana shared while holding a sign that read, “Choose Choice,” followed by “securing contraception and abortion for the next generation.”

The representative told Newman that the murder of children through abortion is a “human rights issue” for women, and therefore the United Nations must have a role in securing abortion for all women around the world.

The Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, who was also on the panel addressing the “World Bank’s Fund for Low-Income Countries,” dodged the question by simply deferring to Banga, saying, “I agree with you,” which the press room responded to with laughter.

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