Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israeli civilians has many Americans concerned that terrorists are coming across our southern border. But given the Biden administration’s open-borders policy, the people in charge clearly don’t share Americans’ concerns. Instead, the FBI is targeting and labeling another demographic as the “greatest threat”: Trump supporters. Today we discuss disturbing reports about the FBI surveilling and targeting Trump supporters, and expose groups within America who openly advocate destroying the current order.  

Also, Veronika Kyrylenko, senior editor of The New American, discusses her recent cover story, “The Vax & Premature Deaths,” and John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn discusses the importance of the Second Amendment in an America that has likely already let terrorists in.


Read “Second Amendment and the Protection of the Citizen Militia”

Read “Report: Biden Admin Failed to Remove More Than 99 Percent of Illegals”

Click here to learn about the real greatest threat to liberty and the American way of life.