The Supreme Court unanimously ruled against Colorado’s effort to take Donald Trump’s name off the ballot there. The Colorado verdict should be the final blow to a coordinated campaign by Democrats to remove Trump from ballots for alleged crimes he hasn’t been prosecuted for or convicted of — but this doesn’t mean he is in the clear. In this episode, we discuss a list of other booby traps and obstacles Trump faces on the way to the White House.  

Also in this episode: 

@ 11:28 | Nikki Haley won her first primary race, earning her the title of “Swamp Queen” from the Trump campaign.

@ 21:55 | Another state is set to enact “constitutional carry” gun laws that align with the Founders’ vision.

@ 32:25 | Bret Weinstein warns that Western civilization is in the crosshairs of unknown people seeking to usher in an age of darkness.  


Read “Louisiana to Become 28th State With Constitutional Carry.”

Watch “Dave Brat on Christian Civilization.”

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