The Supreme Court will hear a very important J6 case on April 16. TNA Senior Editor Rebecca Terrell joins us to discuss Fischer v. USA, which just might yield a decision boding well for Trump and possibly freeing many unjustly persecuted J6ers. 

Also in this episode: 

@ 12:34 | The House Judiciary Committee heard from special counsel Robert Hur, the man who concluded that Joe Biden shouldn’t be held responsible for hiding classified documents because he’s a senile old man.

@ 21:23 | If your name is Biden or Clinton, the Department of Justice ignores your crimes.

@ 32:14 | John Birch Society Field Coordinator Polly Stickney from Washington state joins us, along with a state legislator, to discuss how Birchers helped killed an attempt to create a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion commission in one of the most populous counties in one of the most “woke” states. 


Read “America’s Political Prisoners: One J6er’s Story.”

Read “Hur Testimony: White House Pressured Him to Change Report’s Account of Biden’s Poor Memory; Ghostwriter Destroyed Evidence.”

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