Pastor Shea explains how the orphanage director reached out to Loving Families & Home for Orphans, an organization that he had partnered with, and asked for help evacuating the children out of Ukraine to safety. Hours after receiving the phone call, Pastor Shea boarded a plane to Poland from where he made his way into Ukraine to rescue the children. The children are currently safe in Poland with new clothes, food, and receiving an education along with a lot of love and support.

Shea also confirms the destruction of civilian targets by the Russian Armed Forces, such as residential areas, apartments, schools, and even orphanages. According to Shea, Russian forces completely leveled Mariupol Orphanage Number Two. That’s another orphanage, separate from the one where he helped rescue the 62 children, although Shea believes that Russian forces may have also destroyed first orphanage.

Shea, who also hosts the podcast Patriot Radio in which he discusses various geopolitical topics, explains how Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear for quite some time that he planned to invade Ukraine. Pastor Shea also addressed Christians who are praising Putin. “I’m really troubled that some on the Right, if you will, are backing Vladimir Putin, because he’s very clearly a communist. We should not praise communists,” Shea tells The New American.

“Not to take our eyes off the Deep State … but you have another communist who thinks he wants to be the leader of the world.” Shea also explains that many of the Ukrainians who are fighting the Russians are Christians, who simply want to be free. “All of the other geopolitics aside, these people, who are actually on the ground in harm’s way, they just want to live free.” Asked about Christians who support Putin, Pastor Shea’s simple response is, “Don’t back communists.” Further in the interview, Shea emphatically states: “Communism is evil … no Christian minister should be supporting communism in any way, shape, or form.”

Of Putin’s endgame, Shea says, “He is a communist and he wants a New World Order with him and China that’s not a New World Order of the West.” Adding, “We want straight freedom and liberty for all and not a globalist from the West or a communist from the East.”

In addition to praying, Shea opens an invitation to any Ukrainian-speaking teachers who can help the 62 children in Poland. If anyone wishes to donate, Pastor Shea directs people to Loving Families & Home for Orphans