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NewAmerican Video

The Enemies To Watch Out For

The threat of nuclear war is extremely high. The globalists push for The Great Reset. Watch the video for more information. DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions...

How Many Nukes Does Iran Have?

Does Iran already have nuclear weapons? What are the dangers we are facing? Sam Faddis warns that Hezbollah could be used by Iran to...

Trump Reigns Supreme in Court Ruling 

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled against Colorado’s effort to take Donald Trump’s name off the ballot there. The Colorado verdict should be the...

South Dakota Lawmakers Sell Out Landowners 

For awhile, it looked like South Dakota’s grassroots landowner coalition was going to defeat foreign- and U.S. government-backed carbon-capture pipeline companies. But over...

Dave Brat on Christian Civilization

The New American’s Steve Bonta discusses America’s departure from Christian principles with Dave Brat, economist, historian, former congressman, and current Vice Provost for...

Is Trump Unstoppable? 

Donald Trump beat Nikki Haley in last night’s Michigan primary by a staggering 40 points. Despite numerous efforts to discredit and jail the...