Is Monkeypox the next plandemic? In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit asks New American Senior Editor Rebecca Terrell that question. Though there is no definitive answer, she explains, based on what we now know, why it very well could be. She notes, for example, that the real-life Monkeypox outbreak was foreshadowed in a Deep State germ game — as was the case with the coronavirus outbreak. Covid-19 has been used to impose lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and other forms of medical tyranny in the name of protecting the public health, and Monkeypox could be used the same way. Terrell researched the subject for her article “Monkeypox: The Next Plandemic?” in the June 27, 2022 issue of The New American magazine.
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To order the June 27, 2022 “Stopping WHOs Power Grab” issue of The New American, which includes “Monkeypox: The Next Plandemic?” by Rebecca Terrell, click here.