A lawsuit that claims hospital employees caring for a 19-year-old woman with Down syndrome deliberately killed her by implementing blatantly deadly protocols is set for trial. Despite multiple attempts by the hospital’s legal team to have the case thrown out, the judge recently ruled the case can move forward. In this episode, Scott Schara, the determined father of the deceased girl, discusses the case itself, why he believes his daughter was intentionally killed, and how he came to see her death as part of the larger, sinister, depopulation agenda.

@ 8:10 | “When they couldn’t put Grace on a ventilator, she was worth more dead than alive”

@ 14:00 | Doctors don’t need permission to apply a “Do Not Resuscitate” code

@ 19:00 | A whistleblower pharmacist couldn’t take it anymore

@ 24:00 | Going down the eugenics-depopulation rabbit hole

@ 34:20 | “Covid was not a virus, it’s never been isolated”

@ 36:30 | Amnesty and leniency for complicit medical professionals


Read “Covid Hospitals: The New Killing Fields” issue of TNA HERE; you can purchase the print issue HERE.

Read “The Vax & Premature Deaths” issue of TNA HERE; purchase the hard copy HERE.