Ian Prior is a former senior official in the Trump Department of Justice and Executive Director of FightForSchools.com

According to its website, Fight for Schools is a non-partisan political action committee “focused on electing common-sense candidates that commit to policies that support equal opportunity, tolerance, meritocracy and achievement.”

In his interview with The New American, Mr. Prior reflected on the governors in Democratic states abruptly lifting school mask mandates before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it was “safe.”

“They always said that they were relying on data and following the science. They just didn’t tell us that they would rely on polling data and follow political science,” Mr. Prior said.

Mr. Prior also slammed the teachers’ unions for being responsible for keeping schools closed for too long, which he said was “their mission.”

“All the damage, all the learning loss, all the mental health issues that we’ve seen in our children you can put right at the doorsteps” of the major teachers’ unions, he stressed.

It was discussed that parents’ concerns for their children’s education and wellbeing transcend political ideology. The parents’ involvement in their children’s education led to the emergence of a powerful single-issue voter block, and it is up to political parties to figure out how to engage with it. The Republicans who respect parents’ rights have a much better chance, since the Democratic party is now dominated by the radical left which promotes policies that harm children, argued Mr. Prior.