For the first time since retiring 18 months ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of the government’s totalitarian response to Covid-19, appeared before Congress. He answered questions about social-distancing rules, the efficacy of the Covid-19 “vaccine,” and emails written by his top aide implicating him in illegal behavior.  

Also in this episode:  

26:54 | The New York Times just published an incredible op-ed by a scientist who outlines in detail why Covid-19 did not come from bats;  

39:52 | Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic party;  

46:36  | Brexit leaders Nigel Farage is running to “make Britain great again”;  

51:57 | Thirty-five years ago, Chinese citizens failed to get more freedom in the now-infamous Tiananmen Square massacre.   


Read “The Vax & Premature Deaths”

Read “Malone: CIA and the Covid Pandemic”

Watch this classic interview with Dr. Robert Malone: “This is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World.”