The New Americans Christian Gomez sits down with author and contributor to The New American magazine Joe Wolverton to discuss his online article titled, “Convention of States Ad for ‘Simulated Convention’ Gets History Wrong — Again.” In the interview, Wolverton debunks COS’s claims that an Article V convention is the “only way” to save our country and the idea that the Founding Fathers supported the calling of a second amendments convention.

Unlike COS, Wolverton mines and cites the writings of the Founders to see what they actually said and believed about using Article V to call a second convention. Of the planned mock convention, Wolverton said, “It’s just a glorified commercial for a convention of states. It’s not going to be even any sort of approximation of something that might actually happen, because they know that this is their opportunity to prove to Americans that such a convention would be safe.”

“The fix is in,” Wolverton continues, “they know what they want to have happen and they’re going to assure it happens because they are paying millions of dollars to put on this kabuki show.” Further adding, “[T]his is just a show, it’s a commercial. It is just meant to trick people, to convince them, to buy what the COS people are selling. And unfortunately, if there were to actually be a convention — not a simulation — it would be almost impossible to control the outcome of that convention. And I would go so far as to guarantee that the document produced by that convention would bear very little resemblance to the document produced in the first convention of 1787.”

Joe Wolverton II, J.D., is the author of the books The Real James Madison and “What Degree of Madness?”: Madison’s Method to Make America STATES Again. His latest book — The Founders Recipe — provides selections from the 37 authors most often quoted by the Founding Generation. He hosts the YouTube channel “Teacher of Liberty” and also posts content on TikTok.