While Hurricane Idalia pounded the southeastern coast yesterday, the chief of corruption and the propagators in the “news” business were hard at work spinning the natural disaster to fit their climate delusions. In today’s TNA TV episode, we present examples illustrating that the worst natural disasters happened decades ago and dispel other climate-alarmism points. Also, the Russia-Ukraine war has now carried over into Russia, increasing the chances of nuclear escalation.  

In the second half of the show, The New American TV’s Paul Dragu interviews Montana’s U.S. Representative Matt Rosendale, who pulls no punches as he discusses the attack on fossil fuels and agriculture, the Biden crime family, the persecution of Trump, Ukraine, the insanity of so-called transgenders in the military, and more.  


Read “Pressure Mounting on Biden to Declare a Climate Emergency.”

Download the free e-booklet “Exposing the 2030 Agenda” to learn the truth about the climate-change scam.

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