There are signs of a surprise attack everywhere, yet they seem to be completely ignored. Watch the video for more.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Sources:

1. – Warnings Are Everywhere  – Frank Gaffney is joined by Sam Faddis Pt. 1 – Securing America with Frank Gaffney 02-12-24

2. – Frank Gaffney is joined by Sam Faddis Pt. 1 – on what Chris Ray said

3. – Frank Gaffney is joined by Sam Faddis Pt. 2 – Joe and Hunter selling out America to China

4. – Frank Gaffney is joined by Sam Faddis Pt. 2 – We have no southern border

5. – THE MANY LIES OF ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS – Stinchfield Tonight February 12th, 2024

UPDATE ON BEN: Please CLICK HERE for an update on Ben’s situation.