Throughout 2021, we witnessed rancorous school-board meetings in which parents pushed back against Critical Race Theory-defending, child-masking officials. Not only were these patriots often met with a let-’em-eat-cake attitude, but, conspiring with others, Attorney General Merrick Garland actually characterized them as domestic terrorists. But, being more like freedom fighters, this didn’t stop these parents from winning school-board seats last year. And now one reformed board in Colorado has struck back against the Establishment, firing their district’s woke school superintendent.
“Last week, the Douglas County School Board President Mike Peterson and vice-chair Christy Williams met privately with Superintendent Corey Wise and gave him an ultimatum: resign or they will fire him,” reported CPR News February 4.
“Friday night, after three hours of often-heated debate, the board made good on it,” the site continues. “The members voted 4-3 to terminate the contract with Wise.”
Douglas County saw the biggest turnover in Colorado’s mixed-result school-board elections last year. As CPR wrote November 4, “A conservative slate of [four] candidates won big in Douglas County on Tuesday night, ejecting two incumbents, and installing a new board majority that promises to give parents a place at the education table. The race was one of Colorado’s most contentious and hard-fought, after a year of heated public comment periods during school board meetings.”
This brings us to the county’s erstwhile superintendent, whose problem is that while his surname is Wise, he never was. He clearly, for example, was instrumental in pushing “equity.” If this actually sounds good, know that it’s supposed to: It’s a euphemism, a verbal Trojan horse, for institutionalized anti-white discrimination.
Wise also was clearly supportive of an irrational school mask mandate, as this Facebook posting of his evidences. Data have long shown conclusively that population-level masking requirements not only do little if anything to prevent coronavirus spread, but are harmful to children’s physical, psychological, and emotional health and social development.
Townhall’s Joy Overbeck provided more information last June on Critical Race Theory’s (CRT’s) reality and Douglas County’s nature and situation. In “How to Unwoke Your School Board,” she wrote:
There’s a vicious pandemic that no vaccine will cure, and it’s called Critical Race Theory (CRT.) This is “wokeness” and it is invading school districts and classrooms nationwide, infecting the minds of America’s progeny from preschool through college. It’s a relentless illness, spreading racial division and distrust with a deterministic dogma that defines all whites as programmed to be oppressors and all minorities as doomed victims of that white oppression.
This is the story of what happened when this pandemic suddenly struck the Douglas County, Colorado, School District, which serves 63,000 students. Only 1 percent of those students are black, and black residents only make up 1.1 percent of the county population (with Hispanics at about 7 percent according to the 2010 census, the most recent available.) So Douglas County is simply not as diverse and “inclusive” as many woke left-leaners would like it to be. Still, somehow the county always rates at the top of those nationwide “great places to live” surveys. It’s full of leafy, affluent neighborhoods with friendly people and lots of dogs….The predominantly white and Republican electorate is one of the most well-educated populations in the nation. The county has been untroubled by the Antifa and BLM burning and lootings afflicting the radical left hotbeds of the nation…and the fall elections produced decisive victories for all the local and state Republican candidates, as usual.
“It should be noted that for the last two years, the District’s Superintendent, Chief Academic Officer, and Chief Technology Officer have all been African-Americans,” Overbeck also informs. (We could wonder what the reaction would be if whites thus dominated a school system in a district only 1.1 percent white.)
The writer further tells us that while “the Chief Academic Officer said she experienced ‘microaggressions and passive-aggressive racism’ almost daily, none of the three district officials had any specific complaints.” All three are now gone.
This is relevant because it’s a cautionary tale. Despite Douglas’ demographics and conservative politics, left-wing social engineering still insinuated itself into its schools. The lesson is that, with leftism being the educational-system, establishment, and pseudo-elite cultural default, good citizens must always be on guard. Our status quo is now forged by liberalism and must be viewed as guilty until proven innocent.
As for the micro (not aggressions), educational “consulting groups” should be rejected out of hand. In Douglas’ case, the county paid social-engineering entity The Gemini Group $37,000 for an “equity” curriculum. And the following is part of what its CRT-oriented consultants expressed to 900 of the county’s teachers and staff. As Overbeck relates:
“Our intentions are irrelevant. Creating opportunities doesn’t change the outcomes…equity is about outcomes.” [This reflects Marxism.]
“Equality will not get us to equity.”
[The identity of those in power:] “it’s white, it’s male, it’s able-bodied, it’s Christian and it’s straight.”
“The names of our schools and mascots are macro and micro-aggressions.”
Such indoctrination has its effects, too. For example, “Within one week of CRT teaching, I watched my son become resentful and angry about the assumptions made about him because he happens to be white and male,” said Colorado mother Rachel Kopfle at a school-board meeting last year, the Littleton Independent related.
The good news is that, after push-back last year, the Douglas County School District (DCSD) canceled at least part of Gemini’s indoctrination program. This prompted Gemini to accuse the DCSD of “allowing a handful of vocal white parents” to scuttle their scheme, as if the parents’ race somehow made their activism less worthy.
But, hey, the Gemini crew would be upset: Not only did they experience an ideological setback, but there’s great money in the brainwashing-children business.
The bad news is that the elimination of Wise and some very unwise curricular elements is only a battle won, not the war. The liberal Douglas school-board members claim that Wise’s firing wasn’t “legal,” which prompted “one of the Denver area’s largest school systems to close Thursday as 1,000 teachers, district staffers and parents protested the board in support of Wise,” reports The Washington Post. And CPR News tells us that DCSD students have planned a Monday afternoon school walk-out to protest.
Then, of course, there are the many Douglas teachers and administrators who support the CRT indoctrination and, still having their jobs, are like cancer cells in the body. The truth is that evil never sleeps, never stops, never relents. This is why if good Americans want to defeat the woke, they must ever be awake.