FBI Report Shows Biden’s “Courageous Americans” in Antifa Planned an “Armed Rebellion” at U.S. Border
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As federal agents investigated the illegal activities of American citizens assisting the “migrant caravan” of illegal aliens breaching America’s borders last year, the FBI discovered a plot for Antifa to purchase guns from a “Mexico-based cartel associate” and use them to “stage an armed rebellion at the border,” according to an unclassified report from the bureau.

The unclassified FBI report was leaked to San Diego Union-Tribune “on the condition the person providing it would not be named, and with the request that the entire document not be shared online because of the ongoing nature of the investigation,” according to a report by the Union-Tribune.

The report — circulated to dozens of federal law enforcement agencies in America and Mexico — warns those agencies that “anti-fascist activists” had plans “to disrupt U.S. law enforcement and military security operations at the US/Mexican border” using weapons they planned to purchase from ““Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander.” Cobra Commander’s real name is listed in the report as Ivan Riebeling.

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Riebeling has been passing himself off as a “human rights advocate” in Mexico, but is in reality, just another violent criminal thug. In July of 2018, he was arrested for making public threats of violence against a journalist, Odilon Garcia, who had published Riebeling’s criminal record. That record includes arrests for drug smuggling, carrying a concealed stolen gun, kidnapping, and robbery. In March 2008, he was convicted for the kidnapping and robbery charges and received a four year sentence, but was inexplicably given clemency, allowing him to avoid serving his term.

For reporting that, Riebeling publicly told Garcia “Don’t you mess around with me,” adding that if he wanted to have Garcia killed, “it costs me nothing.” He also threatened — in graphic terms — anal rape against Garcia.

Riebeling’s July 2018 arrest was also connected to threats he made against Raul Reynoso, director general of communication of the government of Baja California, saying he would behead him. Again, somehow, he remains free.

So, Antifa — referred to by Joe Biden in his campaign announcement video as “a group of courageous Americans” with “the courage to stand against” hate at the Charlottesville riots — planned a military-style attack on border agents on American soil. And that treasonous plan involved doing business with the loathsome likes of Ivan Riebeling, who uses violence, threats, and intimidation as tools in his criminal enterprises. Of course, given the violent nature of Biden’s “courageous Americans” that make up Antifa, their willingness to ally themselves with Riebeling is unsurprising.

As The New American has reported previously, Antifa is a communist umbrella organization modeled on a one-to-one ratio with “anti-Fascist” groups of communists in 1930’s Europe. In fact, as this magazine’s William F. Jasper wrote, “Red Guards Austin, the masked “Antifa” thugs of Austin, Texas, who march about displaying the communist hammer & sickle symbol, and who also openly display banners emblazoned with images of Karl Marx and mass-murderers Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin” are unapologetic about their communism. They declared:

When we fight, we fight for communism, and all our constructive and destructive activity is geared toward building our party, which will wage a protracted people’s war, establishing socialism and continuing the revolution under the rule of the working class.

It is also not surprising that the plot that formed the alliance between Antifa and Riebeling was one of an armed assault on the border of America — a country that Antifa hates with a Red passion. After all, what could be better to further Antifa’s goal of taking down a bastion of capitalism than to “stage an armed rebellion at the border” and kill a few American border agents in the process? And notice that Red Guards Austin does not distinguish between communism and socialism. That is because — ideologically — the two are the same thing. The only difference is tactical. That is the chief reason that the battle between Neo-Nazis and Antifa is a fraud on its face. Nazis are national socialists. Since socialism and communism are ideological twins, this is not a battle between the Right and the Left as Americans are constantly being told by the media; it is a battle between two arms of the Left, with the rest of America caught in the crossfire.

The unclassified FBI report detailing the Antifa plot was sent with “priority” to a litany of federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Drug Enforcement Agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Administration.

Riebeling dismissed the report’s claims as “absurd,” saying, “It doesn’t make any sense that someone from the United States would purchase guns in Mexico. And the Hondurans certainly didn’t bring money to buy guns. It doesn’t make any sense; in fact it’s extremely absurd to say the Hondurans wanted to attack the United States at the border.”

But is it “absurd” that “ someone from the United States would purchase guns in Mexico”? No. No more than that drug cartels in Mexico would buy guns from federal agents in an ill-conceived government program such as Fast and Furious. Guns are guns, after all, and buying them from a gun-running drug cartel in Mexico would mean that Antifa would be ready to storm the border from the Mexican side of the line, giving them a tactical advantage. Furthermore, the report makes it clear that a group of activists in Tijuana supporting the migrant caravan “were encouraged to bring personally owned weapons to the border and the group also intended to purchase weapons from a Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander, AKA the Mexican Rambo, and smuggle the weapons into the United States.”

So, another purpose of the Antifa plot to secure weapons — likely some of the same types of weapons the cartels acquired in Fast and Furious — was to wage war in America. The report also states that Antifa was helping to create training camps for “community defense militias, also known as autodensas,” adding, “Organizers planned for the camps to be used as staging platforms from which five person units would form to train anarchists in fighting, combat, and conducting reconnaissance, and then launch to disrupt U.S. government operations along the border.”

What is absurd is that liberal mainstream media outlets have continued over the past couple of years to paint Antifa as heroes and that Joe Biden — keeping a straight face — called them “a group of courageous Americans” who have “the courage to stand against [hate].” Because the unclassified FBI report — which has been verified as genuine — makes it clear that Antifa radicals are not “courageous” — they are merely bloodthirsty. They are not “Americans” in any sense of the word that matters — they are seeking the communist overthrow of America. And they are not standing “against” hate — they are hate personified. They are no better than their Nazi counterparts. They are the enemy and they mean to continue attacking America any way they can.

Federal officials say the investigation into the Antifa plot is ongoing.

Photo of Antifa protesters: AP Images

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