President Donald Trump has once again pulled the United States out of the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the Paris climate agreement. And this time, Joe Biden is nowhere around to ruin everything.
Included in Trump’s avalanche of Day 1 executive orders are two that serve as minor yet welcome sticks in the spokes of the wheels of encroaching globalism. These two EOs will drive a small wedge between the United States and international organizations that work to usurp the sovereignty of nations and steal individual liberties from Americans.
Out of WHO
On Day One of his second presidential tenure, Trump ordered U.S. withdrawal from the WHO and halted any further financial support to the organization. He cited the organization’s mishandling of the Covid-19 virus response and its “inability to demonstrate independence from the inappropriate political influence of WHO member states” as justifications.
The WHO is crawling with globalists, Marxists, fascists, outright communists, and a handful of well-intended yet misled believers in rule by experts. It panders to the Chinese Communist Party, which is no surprise given that its director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a leader in Ethiopia’s communist Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). More alarming is that “Dr. Tedros,” as he’s often referred to, has no medical degree, yet has managed to assume the highest position in a supranational organization that dictates medically relevant measures to entire nations of people.
Covid/Pandemic Response
During Covid, the WHO recommended implementation of the Chinese model for dealing with the pandemic. Pressure from the WHO prompted European leaders to lock citizens in their homes, force them to wear worthless face masks with no capability of blocking viruses, and, in some cases, require “vaccine” passports of anyone who wanted to live like it was 2019. The WHO never acknowledged the potential harm of the mRNA Covid injections, which studies continue to find are neither effective nor safe.
As far as money goes, Trump’s EO noted, the WHO takes “unfairly onerous payments from the United States, far out of proportion with other countries’ assessed payments.” Trump pointed to the sweet deal China gets while America gets the shaft. “China, with a population of 1.4 billion, has 300 percent of the population of the United States, yet contributes nearly 90 percent less to the WHO,” the EO says.
The EO also keeps the WHO’s pandemic treaty, whatever final form it will take, from affecting Americans. It directs the secretary of state to “cease negotiations on the WHO Pandemic Agreement and the amendments to the International Health Regulations.”
The treaty received a lot of attention in alternative media last year for its potential to usurp U.S. liberties for medically dubious reasons. Now there’s one less issue to worry about.
On Tuesday, the WHO responded to the news. The United States was a founding member of WHO in 1948, and the two have achieved great things ever since, it lamented. “WHO and the USA have saved countless lives and protected Americans and all people from health threats. Together, we ended smallpox, and together we have brought polio to the brink of eradication.” It went on to say it regrets America’s withdrawal and hopes the Trump administration will reconsider. Let’s hope not.
Leaving Paris
Then there’s the equally absurd Paris climate agreement, which has blunted America’s energy potential under dubious pretenses. Under the guise of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, the staffers running the Biden administration, in accordance with the Paris Agreement, leveled a number of policies that have essentially made Americans poorer. “Green” policies have reduced the production of cheap and reliable energy, resulting in higher gasoline, heating and cooling, and grocery costs.
But now, for at least the next four years, America is done with the WHO and the Paris Climate agreement. The EO says it’s now time to put the interests of Americans first and abandon agreements that “unduly or unfairly burden the United States.” The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations is responsible for informing the UN secretary-general of America’s departure. Wouldn’t it be great if every U.S. president put the nation’s interests first?
Get Out of the UN
As great as these actions from Trump are, it would be better if the United States once and for all cut off the head of the monster. The United States needs to get out of the UN, and the UN needs to be booted out of the United States. The WHO is part of the UN, and there wouldn’t have been any need to exit the WHO if we left the UN.
The United Nations claims to be a peace-fostering organization. If that’s truly the case, it has failed miserably and should be shuttered for that reason alone. The UN has accomplished nothing when it comes to ending the Russia-Ukraine War. It has done nothing to temper China’s aggression toward its neighbors, and it’s accomplished zilch to end the turmoil in the Middle East. The UN couldn’t even convince Hamas to release Israeli hostages. Trump had to step in to help get that done.
But it gets worse. Not only has the UN failed at its ostensible mission, it has expanded its influence and resources to destroy the rich countries of the West, which appears to be its real mission.
Migrants & Climate Change
During the Biden years, the UN financially and strategically supported the migrant invasion into the United States. It has done the same to Europe, which prompted Brexit and the rising of several nationalist populist movements in nations such as France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. The UN has made European nations poorer, less safe, and less European.
The UN has also orchestrated the nonsensical yet effective climate-change campaign that has infected all of the West. For decades, the UN has hosted conferences at which the global elites devise plans to redistribute the riches of Western countries to third-world countries under the pretense of climate reparations. The New American warned as far back as 1992, when we attended the climate summit in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, that the green scam was going to turn into a tool of tyranny and destruction. And after that, TNA consistently reported on the UN’s Agenda 2030 goals, which are essentially a blueprint for global control of every nation down to the local level.
The UN’s Real Purpose
But the peace façade is simply cover for the real purpose of the UN, which John Birch Society Founder Robert Welch figured out decades ago. He said a network of international conspirators were working to bring about the gradual surrender of American sovereignty piece by piece and step by step to various international organizations, of which the United Nations was the “outstanding” example. In 1962, the JBS launched a campaign to create understanding among Americans about the UN and its real goal. The Get US! Out of the UN action program will be a major focus of the JBS in the following years.
The UN’s goal is to destroy the fabric of Western societies that stand in the way of their utopian, borderless, and godless one-world-government system. Even the globalists admit this. In the November/December 2024 issue of Foreign Affairs, the flagship publication of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, former UN official Thant Myint-u advocates for global government. When he discusses the beginnings of the organization, he says, “The seeds of a future planetary government were evident from the start.” Later he adds that “a hopeful vision of global government persisted.” In that same article, he bemoans what he sees as a missed opportunity for the United States to build “the foundation of a UN-centered world government.”
Whether Trump recognizes the true intentions and dangers of the UN we don’t know. But he needs to. If he’s truly America First, one of the most impactful steps he can take is to sever all ties with the UN.
Readers, we encourage you to help fellow citizens understand the importance of getting out of the UN. Visit our store at shopjbs.org for educational materials. You can also order back copies of TNA issues devoted to exposing the UN.