Trump Assassination Fantasies Resurface After Supreme Court Immunity Ruling
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Lea DeLaria
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision granting U.S. presidents limited immunity while exercising their “core constitutional powers,” the Hollywood assassination fantasies aimed at Donald Trump have returned, most notably from Lea DeLaria, an actress and comedienne best known for her role in the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black. DeLaria, visibly furious about the decision, suggested in a foul-mouthed video on Instagram that President Joe Biden use that immunity to kill Trump.

“The Supreme Court has p—ed me off so much right now, like so much,” DeLaria began, wearing a New York Yankees hat and sunglasses and claiming she was “done.” “Joe [Biden], you are a reasonable man. You don’t want to do this, but here’s the reality, this is a f—ing war. This is a war now, and we are fighting for our f—ing country.”

“And these a–holes are going to take it away,” she added. “Joe, you now have the right to take that b—— Trump out.”

Like any good leftist, DeLaria compared Trump to Adolf Hitler, reasoning that any sane person given the chance would have killed Hitler.

“Well, he is Hitler, and this is 1940. Take him the f— out,” she said in her profane rant. “Blow him up. Blow him up or they’ll blow us up. Facts,” DeLaria ranted.

In a comment attached to the video, she continued her tirade: “F— TRUMP! F— the GOP. F— YOU ANTI DEMOCRACY A–HOLES!! It’s all out war now. They will destroy us. They only want power… like all tyrants. F— THEM!!! And if any of you a–holes wanna death threat me like you have been doing for my entire life, bring it on b—h. I’m Sicilian, I know how to play that game.”

DeLaria also had no love for the Supreme Court, particularly Justice Clarence Thomas, whom she referred to as “Clarence Uncle Tom-as.”

The actress’s madness appears to be spreading. The X user Libs of TikTok posted a video of a man who also advocated for Trump’s assassination by Biden.

“Since they say that a president is immune from prosecution for anything he does officially while he’s in office, I think that Joe Biden should officially have Donald Trump killed off and that would solve the problem of him being too stupid to run our country for four more years,” the man observed. “He could win the election that way.”

Libs of TikTok and other X users have called for the Secret Service to investigate these bizarre assassination fantasies.

Left-wing celebrities really don’t like Donald Trump. At a music festival in Great Britain in 2017, Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp suggested that Trump be invited to attend. When the left-wing crowd began to boo him, Depp deftly recovered, saying, “You’ve misunderstood me…. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”

And in the past many Hollywood types — including Larry Wilmore, George Lopez, Marilyn Manson, Madonna, Kathy Griffin, and Snoop Dogg — have let it be known that they would like to see the 45th president done away with in one way or another. In a stunt that caused Griffin to lose a high-profile gig on CNN, the irrelevant actress/comedienne once held up a severed head made to look like Trump.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is back in full force — not that it ever truly went away. It’s funny how people who claim to be so afraid of the looming Trump “threat to democracy” would advocate something as undemocratic as assassination as the solution to an election problem. Isn’t it people who should decide elections, not bullets? Or do they mean something different when they use the word democracy?