It’s not exactly The Day the Earth Stood Still, but the idea is similar: Humans are so irredeemably warlike that extraterrestrials, or some superior force, has taken measures to forestall our destructiveness. In fact, stated a U.S. Air Force captain who was once in charge of 10 nuclear missiles that he says were rendered inoperable by UFOs, “he believes they were delivering a message to humanity.”
This isn’t a story everyone is comfortable talking about. But such reports and UFO phenomena in general have gotten increasing press as of late. Fox News host Tucker Carlson, for instance, investigated the topic in an episode of Tucker Carlson Originals that aired Tuesday.
Our government has told us that UFOs — or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) as many now like to call them — “aren’t real; they’re weather balloons or strangely shaped clouds, but they were lying — for decades,” Carslon stated. “We now know based on troves of documentary evidence that the U.S. government has worried a lot about UFOS, strange, unimaginably fast aircraft of unknown origin violating military airspace and moving in ways that defy known physics. What are these things? How much should they worry us?”
Appearing on the show was theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, who has reviewed UFO video footage. Analyzing a clip apparently showing a craft moving back and forth seamlessly through air and then water (the ocean) at staggering speeds, he noted that even our missiles can’t thus perform. “The stresses would be enough to rip the metal apart,” he said (video below).
As for the UFO-nuclear weapons connection, four Air Force veterans with stories to tell about it gathered for a Washington, D.C., National Press Club conference on Tuesday. As Military.com reported:
Each veteran’s story is different, but all share one central claim: In the 1960s, UFOs tampered with nuclear weapons managed by the Air Force, both terrifying and mystifying the airmen who experienced the encounters. Some remained silent for decades, they say.
… “I waited 40 years before I opened my mouth, and that’s a long time,” said David Schindele, a retired captain who served as a nuclear missile launch control officer at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. “I had this terrible secret on my mind for all that time, and I felt such great relief to finally admit to my friends and close relatives what I experienced in the Air Force.”
Then there’s the story referenced in my opening line, told by U.S. Air Force captain Robert Salas. As The Sun reported October 16:
Captain Salas said the bizarre incident unfolded on March 24, 1967, in Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, US, while he was the on-duty commander of a secret underground launch control facility.
Speaking to The Sun Online: “I was in charge of ten nuclear missiles at the time when a UFO came over and hovered over our facility and while it was hovering there it was seen by all our guards
“I was underground 60ft, locked into a concrete capsule. It was reported to me directly by those guards.
“While the object was up there we lost all ten missiles due to guidance and control failure.”
But Captain Salas said the simultaneous shutdown was an “impossible” occurrence because the ten nuclear Minuteman missiles were all running on independent systems.
The “attack” implied a level of sophistication which no human at the time possessed, he claims.
The missiles went into the “no go” condition — which means he couldn’t have launched them even if he wanted to.
Salas said “he believes they [the UFOs] were delivering a message to humanity.”
Yet despite the captain’s reporting of what he saw, “he and his commander were immediately forced to sign a vow never to talk about what happened that day in one of history’s most astonishing UFO encounters,” the Sun also relates.
Also attending the D.C. press conference was Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan, who has been investigating the UFO matter for years. Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight Tuesday to discuss the nuclear connection, he stated that the key point “is that people with some of the highest security clearances, at the height of the Cold War, from the U.S. Air Force — multiple different individuals at multiple different sites across a period of decades — say that UFOs interacted with nuclear-weapons platforms and either rendered them inoperable or took them offline.”
Rogan said the fact that this was done by some “superior force” and cannot be explained should alone make it a major news story. He later elaborated:
What’s I think unfortunate … is the government does know that there is a nuclear connection. They’ve kept that classified. Frankly, I can understand why some of it is classified, but they should come clean with a lot more that they know. I mean … why does the Navy keep seeing these things with the aircraft carriers? Well, aircraft carriers are nuclear-powered. Why do submarines see them? Nuclear connection. This [sic] nuclear missile incidents from the Cold War, there is credible testimony from a great historian on this, Robert Hastings, who wrote the book UFOs & Nukes, to suggest that the Soviets had similar experiences. Something is going on here. It’s not America, it’s not China, it’s not Russia, and we need to get a grip and take it seriously instead of laughing it off as an issue for crazy people .
So what do you think explains these UFO sightings and claims? Let us know in the comments section.
Whatever the case, though, if extraterrestrials do exist and made themselves known, there are a few things we could know for sure. First, assuming they possessed superior intelligence, they’d be the first non-citizens in quite a while that the Democrats wouldn’t want to see vote. Second, if they voiced their beliefs for even a short time, the woke Left would find reason to cancel them. And, lastly, the aliens would promptly conclude they’d been all wrong:
There’s no intelligent life down here, after all.