Anyone who’s thinking about boarding an American airliner anytime soon might want to think again.
For the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) haven’t just led to unqualified minorities and women having control of the nation’s skies. DEI also led to a major cheating scandal on the dumbed-down test required to become an air traffic controller. That just might be one reason the nation’s air traffic control centers are packed with DEI candidates.
The DailyMail.com has revealed that a top figure in the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NBCFAE) spilled test answers for air traffic control candidates. The report suggests that DEI has completely undermined air safety.
Cheaters Control Air Space
Why the NBCFAE — an explicitly racialist organization — is permitted to influence air traffic control is a question for another day. It suffices to report, as DailyMail.com did, that a top official helped applicants cheat.
The website reported:
Shelton Snow, a powerful figure in the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NBCFAE), can be heard promising advance access to test answers in a shocking audio clip obtained by DailyMail.com.
“There are some valuable pieces of information that I have taken a screenshot of and I am going to send that to you via email,” says Snow, an air traffic operations supervisor based out of New York.
“I am about 99.99 percent sure that it is exactly how you need to answer each question.”
Snow only offered the 411 to blacks, women, and other minority candidates. He openly discriminated against whites, who “were left out of the loop to ‘minimize competition,’” the website reported.
DailyMail.com did not determine how many air traffic controllers benefited from Snow’s illegal offer. One former NBCFAE member delivered some frightening news, though, telling the website:
I know several people who cheated and I know several people who are controlling planes as we speak.
Not surprisingly, DailyMail.com reported:
Snow’s message was recorded just weeks after the FAA announced the biggest hiring shake up in its history during an Obama-era push to “widen the aperture” for women and minorities.
Discriminating Against Whites
That’s when the FAA replaced its aptitude test — at which whites from FAA-accredited colleges excelled — with a silly biographical quiz that asked such important questions as, “How would you describe your ideal job?” and, “Classmates would remember me as humble or dominant?” the website noted:
Critics say the quixotic blend of multiple-choice questions was designed to screen out elite, mostly white students from FAA-accredited college courses who excelled in traditional aptitude tests.
Nonetheless, it was proving incredibly tricky for anyone to pass — with a 90 percent failure rate — when Snow decided to intervene.
The then-President of the NBCFAE’s Washington Suburban chapter contacted members in January 2014 with a list of HR “buzz words” to insert into job applications.
“These buzzwords will flag your resume, thereby giving you the advantage over thousands of resumes that may flood the system,” he wrote.
At a separate teleconference, applicants were urged to highlight their association with the NBCFAE, the largest employee association within the FAA.
Snow also told recipients that they “are only concerned about African-Americans, Women (of every ethnic background), and other minorities.” Then he instructed them to not let the information fall into the hands of anyone “identified outside of that … to minimize competition.”
Translation: Keep whitey out of the loop.
There’s more, but the upshot is that Snow rigged the testing process to ensure that blacks, women, and minorities would pass the test.
Snow told DailyMail.com that he had “no comment” and “please do not call this phone again.”
Push for Unqualified Women, Minorities
Traditionally, the website observed, air traffic control jobs went to former military members or graduates from “accredited Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI) schools who scored highly on a rigorous cognitive test, the AT-SAT.”
But that, of course, didn’t sit well with the NBCFAE. Its “chiefs complained about the ‘disparate treatment and under-representation of African Americans,’ citing a 2009 study which declared air traffic control the ‘least diverse’ branch of the Federal government.”
Travelers were obviously more concerned with air traffic controllers not sending them into a collision with another plane, but that didn’t bother NBCFAE or Barack Hussein Obama’s FAA.
“When a 2012 ‘barrier analysis’ suggested the AT-SAT was a problem for minorities, it was scrapped in favor of a ‘biographical assessment’ under a 10-year FAA strategy to add ‘depth and diversity,’” DailyMail.com continued:
Successful applicants would still go on to take a shorter cognitive test known as the AT-SA but it was weighted as 2.5 times less important when determining whether a candidate would land a job and begin formal air traffic control training.
DEI to Blame for D.C. Air Crash
As The New American reported in January, a veteran air traffic controller blamed DEI for a U.S. Army helicopter’s crash into a jet over Reagan National Airport.
The Associated Press reported that one air traffic controller was doing the job of two at the time. Former air traffic controller Michael Pearson blamed Obama. The crash, he said, was a “preventable disaster.”
“The system has been under attack due to DEI and the FAA bowing to wokeness since … the Obama administration,” Pearson fumed to Fox talker Laura Ingraham:
The lack of staffing is directly attributable to the Obama administration terminating the lists of eligible, well-trained air traffic control[lers] in 36 universities across the country in 2013 because they were too white.
The crash cast a harsh light on the insane DEI policies begun by Obama and continued by former President Joe Biden, who invited the blind and clinically insane to apply for work at the FAA
In an executive order signed on January 21, President Donald Trump, who blamed the crash on DEI, ended such hiring in federal aviation.
The FAA must “immediately return to non-discriminatory, merit-based hiring, as required by law,” Trump wrote:
All so-called DEI initiatives, including all dangerous preferencing policies or practices, shall immediately be rescinded in favor of hiring, promoting, and otherwise treating employees on the basis of individual capability, competence, achievement, and dedication.