Dr. Robert W. Malone, the pioneering mRNA vax scientist, must really terrify leftist social media.
Last week, Twitter banned the vaccine skeptic because he said the vaccines can cause more harm than good.
But now, media reports say, YouTube is trying to squelch his three-hour interview with Joe Rogan. After YouTube pulled the full interview and banned U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rogan opened an account on GETTR, the new social media platform started by Trump administration alumnus Jason Miller.
Another user has reposted the interview, and clips of Malone interview remain on the social media video behemoth at this writing, including the most important part of it: Malone’s equation of uncalled-for public hysteria over the China Virus, its variants, masks, and vaccines to what he called the “mass psychosis” in Germany during the 1930s. (The full-length interview is available on Rumble here.)
War On Truth
Twitter exiled Malone because he reported the truth. Vaccines are harming and even killing people. That threatens the panic-inducing narrative the Biden Regime, its state and local auxiliaries, and the leftist mainstream media have established.
“Pfizer 6 month data which shows that Pfizer’s Covid-19 inoculations cause more illness than they prevent,” he tweeted, as the Daily Mail reported.
As well, he tweeted another study that showed “93 percent of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.”
“We all knew it would happen,” Malone wrote.
Then came the interview with the wildly popular Rogan. Malone tried to explain what happened in Germany that permitted Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.
“It was from, basically, European intellectual inquiry into what the heck happened in Germany in the 20s and 30s,” he said:
Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad.
And how did that happen? The answer is mass formation psychosis. When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other, and has free floating anxiety, in a sense that things don’t make sense. We can’t understand it. And then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis. They literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.
At this writing, a clip of that exchange remains on YouTube.
Aside from discussing the mass hysteria, the use of ivermectin to combat the virus, and, of course, Malone’s credentials, the two discussed Twitter’s attack on the doctor.
Despite Malone’s being “one of the most qualified people in the world to talk about vaccines,” Twitter banned for questioning the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, which supposedly violates the “Twitter rules” that are selectively applied to conservatives and used to ban them.
“If it’s not okay for me to be a part of the conversation even though I’m pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is?” Malone asked.
No Truth Telling, Taylor Greene Gone
The interview didn’t sit well with YouTube, which removed it but has permitted clips to remain.
As well, at this writing again, the full interview has been reposted. How long the Big Tech behemoth will permit the interview to remain is unknown.
After Twitter banned Greene, as The New American reported, Rogan opened an account at GETTR.
“Just in case s**t over at Twitter gets even dumber, I’m here now as well,” he wrote at GETTER. “Rejoice!”
Rogan has already acquired 8.3 million followers on GETTER.