Donald Trump is set to become the 47th president of the United States.
Around 5:30 a.m. on November 6, Trump breached the 270 electoral mark. The Trump train had taken out a major section of the Democrats’ “blue wall” with a victory in Wisconsin. Hours before that, another battleground state, Pennsylvania, was called for Trump. At the time of this writing, the other blue wall state, Michigan, is leaning toward the R column.
The indicators of a Trump victory appeared long before Pennsylvania was called. Trump had taken swing states Georgia and North Carolina after 10:00 p.m. EST, and he was outperforming his 2020 vote tally early on in a number of blue counties throughout the South and Rust Belt.
Within hours, Kamala Harris’ campaign already released a statement that her path to victory had been narrowed down to the “blue wall” states, hinting that the likelihood of middle-of-the-night plumbing issues would not save her campaign.
Barring any freak event, which should never be dismissed, Trump’s return to the White House will be remembered as the most hard-fought, lawfare-laden, propaganda-infused, and bizarre in American history. Trump survived efforts to bankrupt him, to remove him from the ballot, to jail, and to kill him. And with his sentencing in the hush-money case approaching soon, at least one of those threats still looms.
Harris will be remembered as one of the most incompetent and ridiculous candidates to ever run for president. She was chosen as vice president because she was a woman of color. Her performance in the 2020 Democratic primary was so poor that she dropped out before any votes were cast. Then approximately four years later, she was elevated to presidential nominee without a single vote cast for her.
The Issues
The issues that carried Trump to victory were the economy and immigration, matters that aren’t easily concealed with propaganda. Despite surprisingly upbeat, and often inaccurate, jobs reports, Americans knew they were getting shafted. And they knew it wasn’t because of Covid or Trump’s presidential tenure. They knew the country was doing poorly because of the people who’ve been in charge for the last four years. And no amount of media silence or downplaying was effective enough to deny the destructive impact of unfettered immigration, either.
The 2024 Trump campaign was also unique because the MAGA coalition had expanded to include influential figures such as Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard. It was an all-hands-on-deck approach. And it worked.
Even minorities abandoned the Democratic camp in droves. According to an NBC News exit poll, Hispanic men supported Trump on Election Day over Harris by a stunning 10-point margin. Trump received 54-percent support from Hispanic men, compared to Harris’ 44-percent backing. By comparison, Joe Biden won Latino males by a 23-point margin (59 percent to 36 percent) in the 2020 contest.
In the end, Americans chose the America First path. Now the hard work begins. Will Trump assemble the team needed to dismantle the Deep State and tear down the American global empire? Will his presence in the White House put an end to the ridiculous war in Eastern Europe? And will he implement high tariffs and low taxes? And most importantly, will his administration begin dismantling the globalist infrastructure?