The Endless Election
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It’s day three of Election 2022, and control of both houses of Congress is still entirely up in the air. Current indicators suggest that Republicans may manage to take control of the House, but by the thinnest of margins – perhaps a one to four-seat majority. But it is also possible that they will fall just short. The GOP appears to have taken between 208 and 210 House seats at the time of this writing, while the Democrats lag behind at around 193. But of the remaining districts, a significantly greater number feature Democrats in the lead, with the current number of remaining GOP pickups appearing to be barely enough to get them to the magic number of 218. In particular, an extremely close race in western Colorado’s Third District between Republican Lauren Boebert, one of the rising stars of the MAGA movement, and Democrat Adam Frisch has seesawed back and forth, with the margin within a few hundred votes. At latest reckoning, Boebert leads by more than 400 votes, but no winner has yet been declared.

Meanwhile, the Republicans now hold 49 seats to the Democrats’ 48. The three remaining seats — Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia — currently have the GOP in the lead in one (Nevada), the Democrats leading another (Arizona), and the third (Georgia) a virtual tie, which has triggered a runoff election in the Peach State. Thus the most likely near-term outcome is 50 seats for the GOP against 49 for the Democrats, with the winner of the Georgia runoff in a few weeks determining control of the Senate, just as with the previous election.

Regardless of the final composition of Congress, and the amount of vote fraud that may have taken place, it is clear that America remains a divided, conflicted, and confused nation. The sheer number of voters seemingly unfazed by the Leftist lunacy and serial incompetency on display among the Democrats for the past two years is surprising. Yet millions of Americans apparently are indifferent to unfettered illegal immigration, disastrous foreign relations debacles like our withdrawal from Afghanistan, crippling inflation, fuel shortages, rampant violent crime, and insane “woke” social policies that have virtually destroyed traditional American values and brought our body politic to its knees. Indeed, the world view of the American moiety that continues to support this insanity and to elect pathologically incompetent and even American-hating leaders is so alien to the rest of us that it is becoming difficult to imagine how these two warring sides of the war for our culture and our liberties can continue to coexist for much longer.

This is not to imply that any “red wave” or GOP majority will save us from our follies. Experience has shown the need to hold “conservative” Republicans’ feet to the fire as well as Democrats’. What is wanting is better understanding and appreciation of our cultural, moral, and political heritage, especially our system of limited constitutional government. While the ballot box is important, it is of little avail if it serves only an ill-informed, morally decrepit populace. The real keys are civic virtue and education, both of which are in sore demand of late. It is imperative that Americans redouble their efforts to spread understanding of Americanist principles, lest even small majorities of elected conservatives and constitutionalists become a memory.