Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has exploded among far-left young women because the president-elect crushed Vice President Kamala Harris in last week’s election.
Women are shaving their heads. They are telling women to divorce their husbands. They are pushing the lunatic feminist 4B movement that arose in South Korea.
And one schoolteacher threatened to murder Trump supporters.
Thus has the prediction of political analyst Mark Halperin — that a Trump victory would precipitate a major mental breakdown — come true. Yet however accurate Halperin’s prognostication, Trump’s victory most likely uncovered pre-existing mental illness.
Lunatic Teacher
The more dangerous of the TDS-afflicted are those who might harm Trump voters, such as the lunatic teacher in Cheshire, Connecticut, Annie Dunleavy, who threatened to put Trump supporters “on a stretcher.”
In a TikTok video, Dunleavy vented and falsely said “people of color, and poor people, and gay people, and all the people I care about aren’t going to be safe in America.”
“Neither the f*** are you guys,” she warned.
The sickening rant worsened from there:
Just because you won doesn’t mean we don’t remember who the f*** you voted for. You’re not in the clear. And just please, please, don’t test your gangster on me, because you will end on a stretcher, gone, forever. So serious. Nobody f***ing talk to me unless you wanna swing. If you wanna fight, text me, call me, whatever. Anybody else, stay the f*** out of my face.
And if you voted for Trump, literally, please delete me, block me, get rid of everything of me. Or step to me, so that I know what’s up. And I can handle you how I see fit.
Dunleavy closed with nonsense and an evil grin.
Libs of TikTok reposted the threatening harangue.
“The video has 2.4 million views, 7,000 comments, and 27,000 retweets. Posts on X made by the school that had nothing to do with this issue, suddenly had hundreds of posts calling for Dunleavy to be fired,” Inside Investigator reported:
The school system of Cheshire — where 43 percent of votes cast were for Donald Trump — was “inundated” with social media messages and emails, mostly from outside the school district, according to Cheshire Superintendent Jeffrey Solan, who sent a message to staff and parents.
After the rant went viral, the website reported, Solan told parents and teachers that “it is immediately clear that it will be impossible to conduct business as usual for our students and staff without temporarily removing the teacher from the building, so we have done so until the outcome of the investigation.”
Why the crazed teacher wasn’t immediately fired is unclear.
Elsewhere, TDS violence began before the election.
Shaving Heads
More ubiquitous than murder threats, though, are videos of angry women, falsely led to believe Vice President Harris would defeat Trump, who are shaving their heads and generally acting like asylum patients.
Like the women who thought failed candidate Hillary Clinton would defeat Trump in 2016, the ladies this time are furious.
One of the crazier women ranted and raved as she brushed her hair, then began removing it with electric clippers. Libs of TikTok said hers “might be the best meltdown yet.”
The woman said she is feeling “spicy,” and gave up coloring her hair and keeping it long and “luxurious.”
“F*** being skinny, f*** being hot, f*** being all the things that the patriarchy wants us to be, ’cause clearly they don’t give a s**t about us,” she ranted:
And I’m talking to you, too, those of you ladies who have the internalized misogyny required to do what you did. [And] minorities, who are so scared of a woman in power that you’d rather cozy up to the white man just in case some crumbs fall off his plate so that you may eat from them. Yes, perhaps.
The woman confessed that she is “crazy.”
“If you are a man I will not be talking to you,” she said.
Overall message:
I heard the message loud and clear, we all have. Now, women are gonna have to just refuse to participate. Sorry, if you are a man, I will not be responding to you. If you are a man, I will not be talking to you.… Stop dating men, stop having sex with men, stop talking to men, divorce your husbands, leave your f**king boyfriends, leave them.
The woman said she is now a full-blown 4B supporter. Begun by radical feminists in South Korea, the movement refuses contact with men. No dating. No marriage. No children.
That’s probably good news for the men who might inadvertently marry one of the termagants, but at any rate, social media exploded with other videos of women shaving their heads.
“Democrat women shave their heads and threaten their boyfriends with a sex boycott,” actor James Woods wrote over a photo of four bald women. “Oh wait, these are the infamous ‘Manson girls,’ supporting the mass murderer during his trial.”
The Manson girls didn’t deny sex to their boyfriends, but Woods’ point is made. Women who shave their heads as a political statement might just be crazy — like the Manson girls.
Majority of Women 18-29 Are Mentally Ill
The TDS, again, means Halperin was right.
A Trump victory will precipitate “the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country,” he said:
I think tens of millions of people will question their connection to the nation, their connection to other human beings, their connection to their vision of what the future for them and their children could be like. I think it will require an enormous amount of access to mental health professionals. I think it’ll lead to trauma in the workplace.
He predicted divorce and workplace fights, and even fights at kids’ birthday parties.
Then again, Trump’s victory likely only exacerbated pre-existing mental illness.
In 2020, the Manhattan Institute’s Zach Goldberg collated data from a survey by Pew Research. He found that a majority of white, far-left women ages 18 to 29 — 56 percent — were mentally ill.
Some 39.7 percent of those ages 30 through 49 were mentally ill.
That surely hasn’t changed, and it explains the reaction to Trump’s victory.
As well, it strongly suggests that more than one far-left woman will use social media to threaten to murder Trump supporters.