RFK, Jr.: Biden “Absolutely” a WORSE Threat to Democracy Than Trump
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Playing on the politics of fear, a major Democratic and media talking point has been that you’d better not vote for President Trump in November because he’s “a threat to democracy.” But not so fast, says a scion of a famed Democratic family: It is Joe Biden, not Trump, who truly threatens our Republic.

This is mainly because, says now-Independent White House contender Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Biden is the first American president to target and censor political opponents.

Kennedy ought to know, too — he’s been one of Biden’s targets.

Newsweek reports on the story:

RFK Jr., son of former U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, is an attorney who rose to prominence in recent years after his vocal stance against vaccines. He initially aimed to challenge Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination before switching to an independent in October.

During an interview on CNN’s OutFront with host Erin Burnett airing on Monday night, Kennedy Jr. heavily criticized Biden, claiming he was worse for the United States than Trump.

…”I can make the argument that President Biden is much worse,” Kennedy Jr. said. “And the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech or censor his opponent.”

The long-shot presidential candidate accused Biden of “weaponizing” federal agencies to go after his political rivals.

“The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns but a president of the United States who will use the power of his office to force the social media companies Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, CIA, the IRS, the NIH, to censor his political critics,” he said.

While federal-agency weaponization has kicked into high gear under Biden, note that this phenomenon is actually part of a dark evolution (read: devolution). Under Barack Obama’s administration, for example, the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups, using subterfuge and stonewalling to avoid granting them tax-exempt status (the agency confessed to this and apologized for it in 2017).

Going back further, Bill O’Reilly mentioned decades ago — when he was a cable-news phenom — that the IRS began repeatedly auditing him sometime after left-wing alleged rapist Bill Clinton assumed the presidency in 1993.

But all the more brazen and tasting blood, Biden and his fellow travelers have gone far beyond taxation harassment. This brings us back to RFK, Jr. Appearing on Fox & Friends yesterday, he reiterated his warnings about Biden.

The administration strong-armed Big Tech, he said, using threats of anti-trust lawsuits and revocation of “Section 230” (which protects social media platforms from defamation suits) status to coerce them into censoring dissident voices. (Video below. Relevant portion begins at 3:22.)

To be clear, exhibited here is what leftists claim to fear: fascist behavior. That is, a hallmark of fascism is that while businesses remain in private hands (unlike under Marxism), the government calls the shots. As fascism founder Benito Mussolini put it, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” — including political discourse.

And what is the Biden administration up to in this regard? It’s literally doing an end run around the First Amendment by using the tech companies as proxies to censor speech it dislikes.

Next consider that Big Tech is capable of shifting 15 million votes toward one major party or the other in a national election — according to liberal researcher Dr. Robert Epstein — and that this is enough to choose our next president. Given this, wouldn’t you say that Biden Big Tech tyranny is a greater threat to the Republic than some protesters who got out of control on January 6?

One man who’d surely agree is RFK supporter and journalist Tom Elliot. In fact, on Tuesday he posted a series of tweets (below) listing numerous reasons why Biden is dangerous.

Add to this that under Biden, the FBI has actually been visiting people’s homes (illustrative video below) to question them about their exercise of their First Amendment rights — about, to be precise, their wholly lawful social-media posts.

Just as distressingly, Biden’s handlers are apparently reshaping the judicial branch to reflect this censorial mindset. Most notably, the administration’s one Supreme Court appointee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, recently implied that government collusion with social-media companies is justifiable.

“My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the federal government in significant ways in the most important time periods,” Jackson said to plaintiffs while hearing a case, Murthy v. Missouri, late last month.

Of course, the First Amendment’s very purpose, and that of the Constitution generally, is to “hamstring” government — especially “in the most important time periods.” If you don’t have freedom of speech when it’s most important, what good is it?

As the Covid fiasco reflected, when government isn’t hamstrung, it hamstrings the relation of Truth. But this is precisely the Bidenites’ desire. As RFK, Jr. further pointed out, the administration has actually complained that not just misinformation must be censored, but also “mal-information.” This, mind you, is an Orwellian term Biden’s handlers conjured up that references “information that is accurate,” stated RFK, but that nonetheless is “politically inconvenient.” And this raises a question:

Have the people censoring Truth ever been the good guys?