President Donald Trump and the Republicans did well this election. So well, in fact, that something is being missed amidst the celebrations.
Vote fraudsters have been stealing Senate and House seats from the GOP.
So says Mark Mitchell, head pollster at Rasmussen, which was perhaps this election cycle’s most accurate polling outfit. Mitchell made his comments on Monday, while speaking to commentator Alex Jones.
What’s more, Mitchell asserts that vote fraudsters were trying to steal the election from Trump, too. It appears this was only prevented by GOP vigilance, he says. This time around, the Republicans made sure to have enough lawyers and monitors on the ground to discourage jump-the-shark cheating.
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
Trump’s victory was striking. He unexpectedly swept all the swing states, including the “blue wall” of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. He also became the first Republican in 20 years to win the popular vote. Yet down-ballot results do not appear to reflect this.
The GOP did take control of the Senate, enjoying a four-seat gain that gives them a 53-47 edge in the upper chamber. Yet three of those wins were in Republican Montana, West Virginia, and increasingly red Ohio. (Notably, too, the latter adopted a new, more secure voting system before the 2020 election. It’s called SAFE, standing for “Secure, Accurate, Fair, Efficient.”) The only true swing seat the GOP flipped was in Pennsylvania, where Republican Dave McCormick ousted big-name incumbent Bob Casey. And this was by only 0.5 percent of the vote in a race the Democrats are still trying to overturn.
Mitchell believes that but for vote fraud, the GOP would’ve won two or three more seats. Instead, they just happened to lose narrowly in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada — again, in this historic election. Note that in Wisconsin and Michigan, the Democrats “won” by, respectively, 0.9 and 0.3 percent of the vote.
The House of Representatives results are perhaps even more suspicious. The Republicans will retain control of the chamber, but by the narrowest of margins. (They currently have 219 seats; 218 are needed for a majority.) More significantly, they’ve only picked up one extra seat as of now, with seven still undecided. Note that five of these seats are in now-lawless California; the other two are in Alaska and Maine. (Has the cold perhaps frozen their counting fingers?) For sure, you can count on Democrats to, when possible, count and count and count until you’re counted out.
Wash, Rinse…Almost Repeat?
So what explains these state results that are, as Mitchell put it, “to the left” of the national results? Some may ask, too: If the fraudsters could steal congressional seats, why couldn’t they steal the presidency?
The answer may lie in a combination of two factors: vote fraud and split-ticket voting. It wouldn’t be surprising if some voters cast ballots for transformational candidate Trump and down-ballot Democrats they’re accustomed to supporting. (This is counterproductive, though. Note: I explained in the video here why we should vote for the party, not the person, in general elections. Counterintuitive? Yes — but true.) This means that unlike with Trump, their support would be easier to overcome with a given level of vote fraud.
Again, too, Mitchell emphasizes that, once bitten, twice shy, Republicans were much more vigilant about thwarting vote fraud this cycle. In fact, on X, Rasmussen quotes Trump’s pre-election warning to the electoral criminals. To wit:
“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again.”
Patriots can only hope Trump can make this stick. After all, vote fraud is an actual, and profound, “threat to democracy” (and to the Republic, too!).
“Past Is Prologue”
Mitchell goes even further, however, than just reminding us that we can’t ignore present-day vote fraud. He also stated to Jones that the statute of limitations isn’t up on 2020 vote fraud. Moreover, it must be addressed — for election integrity’s sake. As Rasmussen related on X Monday:
3 Unanswered 2020 issues just mentioned [by Mitchell] on
1 — The 9 USPS Counterfeit Ballot Trucks, who paid for them? — https://x.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1853147827997905110
2 — The 140K+ 2020 Georgia Ballots STILL LOCKED UP – https://x.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1812184413901295920
3 — AZ 1 legal ballot paper, 10 types found — https://x.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1800146610854481939
Regarding Arizona, do note, the point is that some ballots were printed on the wrong type of paper, Mitchell informs. He also emphasizes that the above charges aren’t theoretical — they’re facts.
History Tells the Tale
And while naysayers will say nay, and will bray, that vote fraud is rampant is a fact. Democrats know this, too, as they often cheat each other. Consider:
- Mail-in vote fraud was so bad in Paterson, New Jersey, during a May 12, 2020, special election between two Democrats that a judge ordered a new election be held.
- Another judge had to order a new election late last year for the Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut, after ballot stuffing was exposed.
- Also last year, a Democrat in Mississippi accused another Democrat of vote fraud.
- In 2016, then-NYC election commissioner, Alan Schulkin, admitted on hidden video, “I think there’s a lot of vote fraud.” He added that “they [other N.Y. Democrats] bus people around to vote.”
- Democratic ex-Hamtramck Mayor Karen Majewski said after her 2021 election loss that she’s “absolutely positive” her office was stolen — by the fellow Democrats who replaced her government.
Of course, Democratic jurisdictions often have an incentive to address vote fraud involving some Democrats cheating other Democrats. But when Democrats are cheating Republicans, it’s “Our elections are safe and secure! And it’s un-American to ‘denigrate’ [as Hillary Clinton put it] our system!”
Of course, what’s un-American is committing vote fraud — and tolerating it.
There is perhaps a remedy, though. As I tweeted yesterday on X:
Whatever the case, we’d better do something because, as Mitchell put it, in this election the GOP got “lucky.” Next time may be a different matter, however — unless the vote fraudsters are brought to justice.
Mitchell’s interview is below.