UN Continues Push for Global Carbon Tax at Climate Confab
Is a global "carbon tax" still in the works, even though political support, as well as scientific support, has been steadily plummeting for...
U.S. Military Prepares for Economic Collapse
Skeptics who continue to assert that the economic plight of the United States has been overstated need not look further than the Pentagon...
Read moreFCC Commissioner’s Proposal Provokes Lawmaker’s Anger
Despite the public backlash against “net neutrality” and the “Fairness Doctrine,” the Left and the federal government continue to push for the Federal...
Read moreObama Defends Tax-Cut Deal with Republicans
President Barack Obama held a live press conference Tuesday to announce the bipartisan compromise on the expiring Bush tax cuts. He also took...
Read moreDon’t Nap Yet: Tea Party Caucus Members Request $1 Billion in Earmarks
The December 2 National Journal reported this head-shaker: Tea Party Caucus members requested earmarks. Of the 52 members, only 16 did not request...
Read moreThe New York Times and Journalistic Ethics
The New York Times has long maintained a pseudo-aristocratic attitude toward American society. Its nicely manicured contents, which seem to ooze respectability, hide...
Read moreHouse Passes School Nutrition Bill That Is No Treat
Remember that clause in the Constitution that gives the federal government the authority to regulate school bake sales? Even if you don’t, Congress...
Read moreCompromise in the Works for Bush Tax Cuts
The GOP opposition to extending the Bush era tax cuts solely to the middle class has been adamant, and may lead to a...
Read moreRon Paul’s Big Day
Will Tuesday be Ron Paul’s big day? Robert Wenzel of EconomicPolicyJournal.com thinks so, as does Paul confidant Lew Rockwell. On December 7 the...
Read moreEnergy and Land Bills Fall by Wayside
As Congress appears to be approaching a compromise on the Bush tax cuts, other major issues with which they need to contend are...
Read moreEthanol Subsidies May be Extended
Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus proposed a “tax extenders package” on December 2 that pertains to a slew of energy issues, including an...
Read moreObama and Lawmakers Not Serious about Fiscal Conservatism
Americans have heard politicians talking a great deal about cutting spending, reducing the deficit, and employing a mentality of fiscal conservatism. But just...
Read moreAmerican Austerity and the End of Wars of Choice
Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the Council on Foreign Relations, is like a 500-pound canary: When it speaks, people listen. Gary North referred...
Read moreWikiLeaks Reveals U.S. & EU Climate Bullying, Bribery, Espionage
A series of secret U.S. diplomatic cables released in recent days by the whistle-blower group WikiLeaks shows the American and European governments used...
Read moreWikiLeaks: Whistleblowing or Treason?
The Obama administration used bribes of up to $30 billion in foreign aid and spying by the CIA to force underdeveloped nations to...
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