Justice Department Website Redesigned; Features Globalist Quote
Given its recent quest to overturn the sovereignty of the states, and the sovereignty of the people, it is not surprising to learn...
Democrats Plan Defense Against GOP Healthcare Repeal Effort
In anticipation of a full-fledged GOP attack on Obama’s signature healthcare law, congressional Democrats are in the process of planning an “all fronts”...
Read moreWicker Bill Introduced to Reaffirm 10th Amendment
In an effort to reaffirm the Tenth Amendment, which reserves to the states those powers not delegated to the federal government by the...
Read moreGov. Jerry Brown: Last Straw for California
California is blessed with one of the best climates on earth, enough to cause millions to flock to the state simply for the...
Read moreNational Debt Reaches Staggering Level
The national debt of the United States reached a new milestone this week when it surmounted $14 trillion. You read that right: $14,000,000,000,000....
Read moreObama the Lawgiver?
Although President Barack Obama correctly understood that his party had taken a "shellacking" in the November elections, he seems not to have drawn...
Read moreCongressional Pushback
Now that the 112th Congress has been sworn in and subjected to the reading of the Constitution and its 27 amendments, the direction...
Read moreNavy Commander Fired Over Objectionable Videos
A U.S. Navy captain who produced and showed videos containing profanity, sexual innuendo, and slurs against homosexuals to personnel aboard the nuclear aircraft...
Read moreNYC Councilwoman Asks Colleagues to Support Absolving Convicted Terrorist
A member of the New York City Council is calling upon her colleagues to support absolving a convicted terrorist. Councilwoman Melissa Mark Viverito,...
Read morePentagon, White House in Tug-of-war Over Spending
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is scheduled to brief members of Congress on Thursday, January 6, on his drive to find $100 billion...
Read moreBypassing Congress with Regulatory Decrees
When the New York Times reported on December 26 that the "advance care planning" benefit, deleted from last year's health care reform legislation,...
Read moreSen. Graham Wants U.S. in Afghanistan Permanently
Liberal Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, known in conservative anti-immigration circles as Sen. Grahamnesty, says the United States must maintain a permanent...
Read moreU.S. Hostage to China for Rare Earth Minerals
President Obama and his fellow enthusiasts for "green technology" have stumbled into a thicket of their own making. Most of the their pet...
Read moreShocker: Medicare Costs More Than What We “Invest” In It
When Medicare was first introduced in 1965, skeptics such as Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan bemoaned the implementation of socialized medicine and the...
Read moreIncoming Tea Party Politicians Vow to Change Washington
Incoming Tea Party-elected officials continue to vow to target deficit spending. Fox News writes, “Republicans elected to Congress with the help of Tea...
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